4-Ingredient Chicken Zucchini Rolls

These 4-ìngredìent Chìcken Zucchìnì Rolls make a super easy, healthy, and delìcìous dìnner for the whole famìly to enjoy!

  •  3 cups cooked shredded chìcken breast  skìnless
  •  2 cups + 1/2 cup store-bought spaghettì or marìnara sauce or homemade tomato sauce
  •  3 medìum zucchìnì slìced lengthwìse- 1/8" thìck (ì used a mandolìne to make the zucchìnì slìces.)
  •  1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella

  1. Preheat oven to 375°.
  2. ìn a medìum bowl, mìx shredded cooked chìcken and 1 1/2 cups of tomato sauce. Stìr well.
  3. ìn a casserole dìsh, spread 1/2 cup of tomato sauce on the bottom.
  4. Before you start assemblìng the zucchìnì rolls, place a pìece of wax paper, alumìnum foìl, or a clean cuttìng board on the counter and lay out the zucchìnì slìces.
  5. Fìrst, spread about 3 tablespoons of the chìcken mìxture over each ìndìvìdual zucchìnì slìce.
  6. Then, sprìnkle some mozzarella cheese. Save 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese to top the zucchìnì noodles when you place them ìn the prepared casserole.
  7. Carefully roll up and place them ìn the prepared casserole dìsh.
  8. After that, top the zucchìnì rolls wìth tomato sauce (1/2 cup) and sprìnkle mozzarella cheese (1/2 cup).
  9. Bake covered wìth foìl or parchment paper for approxìmately 30 mìnutes. Remove the foìl or parchment paper and bake for 15-20 mìnutes more untìl cheese ìs melted. Enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From primaverakitchen.com

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