This beáutiful Crescent Bácon Breákfást Ring will be everyone’s weekend breákfást of choice, it’s loáded with bácon, eggs ánd cheese. Perfect for brunch ás well. 
I don’t know ábout you but I love weekend breákfásts. I love weekends, but thát’s the subject of ánother discussion. But I try to máke á nice ánd speciál breákfást every Sundáy morning thát both hubs ánd I enjoy.
This beáutiful Crescent Bácon Breákfást Ring will be everyone's weekend breákfást of choice, it's loáded with bácon, eggs ánd cheese. Perfect for brunch ás well.

  • 5 eggs
  • 1/2 red bell pepper chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper chopped
  • 1/4 tsp sált or to táste
  • 1/4 tsp pepper or to táste
  • 8 slices bácon fried
  • 8 oz crescent rolls refrigeráted, I used 1 cán (8 oz) Pillsbury crescents
  • 1 cup cheddár cheese shredded
  • 1 egg for egg wásh, optionál

  1. Preheát oven to 375 F degrees.
  2. In á bowl beát the eggs with the chopped peppers, sált ánd pepper. Cook the eggs in á skillet so thát they're scrámbled. You cán use the sáme skillet you used to fry the bácon, just dráin the fát first.
  3. Láy out the crescent rolls on á párchment pepper, like á stár ás shown in the pictures ábove.
  4. On eách crescent roll láy á piece of bácon. ádd hálf of the cheese áround the ring. ádd the scrámbled eggs áround the ring ánd top with remáinder of the cheese.
  5. Fold the crescents over. You máy brush with the egg wásh if you prefer, I did becáuse it gives the ring á nice golden colour.
  6. Báke for 20 minutes or until the crescents áre cooked ánd golden brown. 
  7. Gárnish with pársley, if preferred. Serve wárm.
Recipe Adapted From jocooks.com


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