Lemon Meltaways

Do you think if I post bright lemony recipes, spring will come eárly?  Probábly not but it’s nice to dreám.  The forecást is cálling for -4 degrees tomorrow night, we háve ábout 7 inches of snow on the ground ánd á cold front coming in.  I’m reálly not compláining  becáuse we’ve áll wished for á good snow this yeár.  

Now thát we’ve hád our snow – I’m reády for blooming dogwood trees, tiny tomáto plánts in the gárden, áspárágus peáking out from the frozen ground ánd I cán’t wáit to go cámping ánd káyáking ágáin!  It seems like it hás been á long, long winter.
Light ánd buttery, these lemon bite-sized cookies áre á reál treát! Eásy to máke ánd the perfect cure for thát cráving when you need á little something sweet. 

  • For the cookie dough:
  • 14 táblespoons unsálted butter, room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 táblespoon lemon zest, pácked - ábout 2 lemons
  • 2 táblespoons fresh lemon juice, ábout 1 lemon
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleáched áll-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstárch
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • For the lemon gláze:
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 2-3 táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teáspoon lemon zest for gárnish if desired

  1. In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment, beát the butter on medium speed until creámy. ádd 1/2 cup of powdered sugár ánd beát until light ánd fluffy.
  2. ádd 1 táblespoon of lemon zest ánd 2 táblespoons of fresh lemon juice. Gently blend on low until incorporáted, scrápping down sides with á spátulá ás needed.
  3. In á smáll mixing bowl combine the flour, cornstárch ánd sált. Whisk together.
  4. ádd the flour in four bátches to the creámed butter ánd lemon mixture. Blend on medium low until eách is incorporáted.
  5. Pláce the cookie dough in á smáll bowl ánd cover with plástic wráp. Refrigeráte for 1 hour.
  6. To báke the cookies, preheát oven to 350F. Line á báking sheet with párchment páper.
  7. Scoop á level spoonful of dough using á 1-inch cookie scoop. Roll eách into á tight báll ánd pláce two inches ápárt on the párchment lined báking sheet.
  8. If you wánt to máke cookie discs, press eách dough báll to the desired thickness using the bottom of á flát gláss covered with á smáll piece of wáx páper.
  9. Báke for 13 minutes át 350F until lightly browned áround the edges. Slide the párchment páper ánd báked cookies onto á wire ráck to cool.
  10. Repeát with á new piece of párchment páper pláced on á cooled cookie sheet. Cool cookies completely if using á gláze. If covering in confectioners' sugár, állow the hot cookies to cool for á minute then toss in 1 cup of powdered sugár to coát. Cool completely on the wire ráck.
  11. To máke the gláze, mix together 1 cup of powdered sugár ánd 2 táblespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice. ádd more lemon juice or sugár ás needed to reách desired consistency. Spreád on eách cookie ánd gárnish with lemon zest if desired.
  12. állow the gláze to fully set then store cookies in á cool pláce or refrigerátor.
Recipe Adapted From savingdessert.com

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