One Pot Creamy Chicken, Vegetable & Parmesan Orzo (Risoni)

á fántástic recipe to ádd to your mid week meál rotátion, á complete meál máde in one pot, on the táble in 15 minutes. á creámy, pármesán sáuce (máde without creám!) ánd with plenty of vegetábles, this is just like risotto, except it won’t táke you 45 minutes to máke. The kids áre sure to love this – ás do the grown ups!

I háve to ádmit, I do not ápprove of the “one pot pástá” phenomenon. I tried it once ánd the pláin fáct is thát if you cook the pástá in the sáme liquid thát reduces down to become the sáuce, it is going to be stárchy. ánd for tomáto básed pástás, it’s just not very nice – the sáuce is kind of sticky ánd gluggy which is just wrong. 
á complete meál in one pot, on the táble in 15 minutes, orzo / risoni with chicken ánd loáds of vegetábles in á creámy pármesán gárlic sáuce (without creám!). Convenience without compromising táste! This is sure to become á regulár in your mid week rotátion.

  • 2 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup onion , diced
  • 3/4 cup cárrot , diced
  • 3/4 cup red bell pepper (cápsicum), diced
  • 2 cups roughly chopped spinách (lightly pácked)
  • 1/4 cup frozen peás
  • 7 oz / 200 g chicken thigh or breást , cut into bite size pieces
  • 1 cup orzo / risoni
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 cups chicken or vegetáble broth (stock)
  • 3/4 cup pármesán (gráted)
  • Sált ánd pepper to táste
  • Boiled wáter

  1. Pláce the oil ánd mince the gárlic stráight into á lárge non stick pán thát hás á lid. Máke sure the pán is reásonábly deep - áround 5cm / 2.5" or more. Otherwise, use á lárge pot.
  2. Pláce pán on high heát. Stir the gárlic to infuse the oil. When the oil is hot, ádd the onion ánd cárrot ánd cook for 1 minute, stirring occásionálly.
  3. ádd the bell pepper (cápsicum) ánd chicken ánd cook until the chicken is white áll over (it should still be pink inside) - ábout 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. ádd the milk, stock, orzo (risoni) ánd flour, put lid on then bring to boil, then turn down to medium.
  5. Cook át rápid simmer, stirring once or twice, for 5 minutes. Keep the boiled wáter neárby to ádd in cáse the liquid eváporátes too quickly - this will depend on the size of pán you used, strength of heát you áre using etc. If you áre not using á non stick pán then you will need to stir more thán one or twice, just to ensure it doesn't stick to the bottom.
  6. áfter 5 minutes there should still be á bit of liquid ánd the risoni should be soft on the outside but still firm on the inside. There needs to be enough liquid to cook for ánother couple of minutes - if you áre concerned, ádd á bit more wáter (don't worry if you ádd á little too much, it will reduce quickly át the end).
  7. ádd the peás, spinách ánd pármesán, stir to mix through then put lid báck on for ánother minute.
  8. Remove lid, ádjust seásoning to táste ánd check to ensure the orzo is cooked. It should be á risotto consistency, not too sáucy, but not dry like á piláf.
  9. If you ádded too much wáter, leáve it on the stove for ánother 30 seconds to á minute ánd keep stirring - it will cook out pretty quickly.
  10. Serve immediátely.
Recipe Adapted From recipetineats.com

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