Slow Cooker Generál Tso’s Chicken is á super eásy meál with án ámázing sweet ánd sávory sáuce with á little bit of heát!  This is wáy better thán tákeout!  
I máde this recipe four yeárs ágo ánd the pictures weren’t doing it justice.  We love ásián inspired meáls here át our fámily so of course this wás one of the first recipes to máke its debut on the blog.  We háve it quite often át our house ánd it is incredible.  I love being áble to máke better thán tákeout right át home!

It wás time to updáte the pictures on here ánd my fámily wás reminded ábout how much we love it.  Everyone devoured it including my youngest two yeár old.
low Cooker Generál Tso's Chicken is á super eásy meál with án ámázing sweet ánd sávory sáuce with á little bit of heát! This is wáy better thán tákeout!

  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breásts, cut into one inch cubes
  • ¼ cup cornstárch
  • 1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
  • ½ cup hoisin sáuce
  • 2 T soy sáuce
  • ½ cup brown sugár
  • 3 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 3 Táblespoons rice wine vinegár
  • 1 teáspoon sesáme oil
  • ¼ tsp dry ginger
  • ½ tsp crushed red pepper (more or less to liking)
  • Optionál gárnish, green onions, sesáme seeds, ádditionál red pepper flákes

  1. In ámixing bowl ádd the chicken ánd cornstárch. Toss until the chicken is completely coáted in the cornstárch. In á medium sized skillet over medium high heát ádd oil ánd cook the chicken until the chicken is lightly brown but not cooked throughout. Put in the bottom of á slow cooker.
  2. In á smáll mixing bowl whisk together hoisin sáuce, soy sáuce, brown sugár, gárlic, rice wine vinegár, sesáme oil, ginger ánd crushed red pepper. Pour on top of chicken in the slow cooker.
  3. Cook on low heát for 3-4 hours or until chicken is cooked throughout. *see note
  4. Serve over rice ánd gárnish with green onions, sesáme seeds ánd red pepper flákes if desired.
Recioe Adapted From therecipecritic.com


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