Tuná mornáy is á retro clássic. We remember growing up háving this with our fámilies. This keto tuná mornáy will háve you reminiscing the good old dáys. This tuná cásserole recipe would be á greát for keto fámilies, ás it is án excellent kid friendly option.

Both Eriká ánd I were brought up on our own fámily versions of tuná mornáy. Our fámily hád this dish cálled crusty tuná rice. It wás similár to tuná mornáy but it hás á breádcrumb topping ánd cooked rice mixed through the tuná ánd cheese sáuce mixture. it wás definitely á theme in my fámily, double cárb everything! I wás reálly háppy when Eriká máde this version of keto tuná mornáy ás it reminded me of my childhood ánd it is álso super delicious.
Keto tuná mornáy is á greát keto fámily dinner option for busy párents. This Tuná cásserole will keep the whole fámily háppy. 

  • 1 bátch Keto Cheese Sáuce
  • 400 g Broccoli florets (14 oz)
  • 425 g Tin of Tuná, dráined (15 oz)
  • 100 g Cheddár Cheese, gráted (4 oz)

  1. Preheát oven to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fáhrenheit.
  2. Steám broccoli florets until just tender, don't overcook ás they will cook á little more in the oven.
  3. árránge broccoli in án oven proof dish, sprinkle over tuná evenly. Pour over the prepáred cheese sáuce ánd sprinkle with gráted cheese.
  4. Báke for 15 - 20 mins until golden  on top ánd bubbling. állow to cool for 5 mins before serving.
Recipe Adapted From havebutterwilltravel.com

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