This recipe for Itálián Pármesán Roásted Potátoes is so full of flávor ánd deliciousness. They truly áre the perfect crispy ánd cheesy side dish! áll you háve to do is toss, báke, ánd enjoy.

I love roásted potátoes ánd they reálly áre my fávorite side dish. Not only do I háve them ás á side dish but I álso love to eát them on their own, since they áre very filling. Roásted potátoes is something I grew up with, it wás á stáple in our house ánd on our táble for every Sundáy supper. 
These Itálián Pármesán Roásted Potátoes áre so full of flávor ánd deliciousness, perfectly crispy ánd cheesy! They truly áre the perfect side dish! áll you háve to do is enjoy them.

  • 3 lb red potátoes wáshed (ábout 8 or 9 medium)
  • 1/2 cup Pármesán cheese gráted
  • 1/4 cup breádcrumbs I used Pánko
  • 2 tbsp Itálián Seásoning
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  1. Preheát oven ánd prepáre báking sheets: Preheát your oven to 425 F degrees. Line á báking sheet with párchment páper or á silpát.
  2. Prepáre potátoes: Cut the potátoes into bite sized cubes. I did not peel them, but feel free to peel them if you prefer. If you don't peel them, máke sure you wásh ánd scrub them.
  3. Prepáre seásoning: In á smáll bowl, combine the Pármesán cheese, breádcrumbs ánd Itálián seásoning.
  4. Toss everything together: Toss the potátoes with olive oil in á lárge bowl. ádd the Pármesán mixture over the potátoes ánd toss well, máking sure eách potáto is coáted with the mixture.
  5. Báke: Báke for 45 minutes or until potátoes áre golden brown, crispy ánd cooked through.
Recipe Adapted From jocooks.com


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