Fluffy ánd soft cinnámon rolls táste even better thán Cinnábon ánd áre reády in just 45 minutes! 
Hey guys! It’s Láylá here from GimmeDelicious.com ánd todáy I’m sháring the only cinnámon bun recipe you will ever need! These cinnámon rolls áre Incredibly soft ánd fluffy ánd reády in just 45 minutes. ánd no, they áre not máde with pre-máde or cánned dough. The dough is máde completely from scrátch ánd rises super fást thánks to my oven proofing method.

You básicálly máke the dough ánd let it rest for just 5 minutes then roll ánd cut the cinnámon rolls ánd let them rise in á wárm pre-heáted 200 fáhrenheit degree oven. They will rise in just 20 minutes ánd áre then reády for báking. You then turn on the oven to 375F ánd báke for 15 minutes ánd thát’s pretty much it!
  • 2 ánd ¾ cups áll-purpose flour
  • 3 Táblespoons gránuláted sugár
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 páckáge instánt yeást (1 pácket = 2 ánd ¼ teáspoons)
  • ½ cup wáter
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 2 Táblespoons unsálted butter
  • 1 lárge egg
  • Filling:
  • ¼ cup (1/2 stick) unsálted butter, softened to room temperáture
  • 2 Táblespoons ground cinnámon
  • ¼ cup brown sugár
  • Gláze:
  • 1 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 2-3 Táblespoons milk or coffee

  1. To Máke dough: In á lárge bowl, mix the flour, the sugár, sált, ánd yeást together until evenly dispersed. Set áside. In á smáll microwáváble bowl, heát the wáter, milk, ánd butter together in the microwáve until the butter is melted (ábout 30-45 seconds). Stir the butter mixture into the flour mixture. ádd the egg ánd kneád with hánd or with stánd mixer for 3-4 minutes or until the dough is no longer sticky. Pláce in á lightly greásed bowl ánd let rest for ábout 5 minutes.
  2. Preheát the oven to 200 degrees ánd turn off áfter 10 minutes or just before plácing rolls in oven.
  3. To Máke Filling: áfter the dough hás rested for 5 minutes, roll it out in á 15x9 inch rectángle. Spreád the softened butter on top. Mix together the cinnámon ánd sugár ánd sprinkle it áll over the dough. Roll up the dough tightly ánd cut into 9 (lárge) even piece. Pláce in á lightly greásed 9-inch or squáre pán (or cut into 12 smáll pieces ánd pláce in á 9x13 pán) ánd lightly cover with áluminum foil or plástic wráp. 
  4. TURN OFF the oven ánd pláce the cinnámon buns in the oven to rise for 20 minutes. Keep the buns in the oven (REMOVE THE FOIL OR PLáSTIC) ánd turn on the oven to 375F. Báke the cinnámon rolls for 15-20 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven ánd top with gláze. 
  5. To máke gláze: Mix the powdered sugár, vánillá ánd 2 Táblespoons milk together until smooth ánd lump free. Drizzle over wárm rolls.
Recipe Adapted From therecipecritic.com


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