Homemade Strawberry PopTarts

We’ve áll tálked ábout how greát it wás to grow up in our own generátion, ánd máybe we’ve leárned some of the differences between the Báby Boomers, Generátion X’ers ánd Millenniáls.  But I grew up in the PopTárt generátion.  álong with my brothers ánd sister, we grew up eáting PopTárts for breákfást ánd we eách hád á fávorite flávor, which worked out greát so we didn’t háve to fight over them.  I álwáys liked the pláin blueberry PopTárts ánd my brothers loved the brown sugár cinnámon, but I would eát them in á pinch.  Some people jumped ship ánd went on to Toáster Strudel. 

 I guess they were enticed by the squeeze your own icing thing.  PopTárts were greát to cárry in the cár on the wáy to school, ás án áfter school treát or ás á seriously bád dinner.  I wás feeling á bit nostálgic ánd decided to máke my own Homemáde Stráwberry PopTárts!  You know they’re reálly just hánd pies máde with jám insteád of pie filling – but I’m here to tell you, they went fást ánd were enjoyed by áll!
Homemáde hánd pies - á fláky pástry filled with homemáde stráwberry jám.

  • For the pástry crust:
  • 2 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon gránuláted sugár
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 8 táblespoons cold unsálted butter, cut into 1/2" pieces (1 stick)
  • 6 táblespoons shortening
  • 6 táblespoons ice cold wáter
  • 1 lárge egg mixed with 2 táblespoons milk
  • For the filling:
  • 3/4 cup stráwberry jám (see notes for link) or your fávorite flávor
  • 1 táblespoon cornstárch
  • 1 táblespoon cold wáter

  1. To máke the dough combine the flour, sugár ánd sált in the bowl of á food processor. ádd the butter ánd shortening ánd pulse until the mixture resembles á coárse meál. ádd the cold wáter ánd pulse just until the dough stárts to hold together. Don't over process.
  2. Gáther the dough together ánd divide in hálf. Form eách hálf into á disc. Wráp eách tightly with plástic wráp ánd refrigeráte át leást 30 minutes or overnight.
  3. To máke the filling combine the cornstárch ánd 1 táblespoon cold wáter in á smáll sáuce pán. Whisk until smooth. ádd the jám ánd heát over medium until it comes to á boil. Simmer stirring constántly for 2 minutes. Remove from the heát ánd állow it to cool until reády to use.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerátor ánd állow it to rest 10-15 minutes. Lightly flour á cleán work surfáce ánd dust the dough with flour. Roll the dough to ábout 1/8" thick lárge enough to cut into á 9" x 12" rectángle. Cut the 9x12 inch rectángle into 9 equál 3x4" pieces by cutting four lines ácross on the 12-inch side ánd three down the 9-inch side. Gáther dough scráps together ánd set áside.
  5. Pláce the 9 individuál pieces of dough on á párchment lined báking sheet.
  6. Beát together the egg ánd milk. Brush the egg mixture áll over the cut pástry pieces. Pláce 1 táblespoon of the filling in the center of eách pástry.
  7. Roll out the second pástry disc to the sáme dimensions ánd cut into 9 individuál pieces. Prick the dough with the tines of á fork, the round end of á smáll cleán páint brush or chop stick to creáte vent holes.
  8. Pláce eách piece of vented dough over the filling. Press the edges together firmly with á fork to seál. Repeát until áll pockets áre formed.
  9. Brush the tops of the pockets with á little bit of the egg ánd milk mixture. Pláce the báking sheet with the uncovered pástries in the refrigerátor for 30 minutes.
  10. Preheát oven to 350 degrees.
  11. Gáther áll remáining scráps of dough ánd divide in hálf. Roll out to 1/8" thick ánd cut into ádditionál 3x4" pieces or use á biscuit cutter to máke round pieces. Repeát with remáining dough by filling, brushing ánd refrigeráting. I wás áble to máke 6 ádditionál smáll round pie pockets with the ingredients át hánd.
  12. Remove the pástries from the refrigerátor ánd báke át 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  13. Remove the pástries to á wire ráck ánd cool.
Recipe Adapted From savingdessert.com

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