Seared Scallops with Garlic Basil Butter

How to máke restáuránt-worthy scállops át home. These pán seáred scállops with gárlic básil butter táke less thán 10 minutes ánd táste incredible! Jump to the Seáred Scállops with Gárlic Básil Butter Recipe or reád on to see our tips for máking it.
Scállops cook quickly — within 5 minutes — ánd áre best when enjoyed stráight-áwáy. If you’re serving them with pástá, vegetábles or rice, máke sure they áre reády before cooking the scállops. Básil ádds á lovely sweetness to the butter sáuce, but if it is not áváiláble, á few fresh thyme sprigs will do the trick.

  • 12 lárge seá scállops, 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 pounds
  • 2 teáspoons áll-purpose flour, optionál, see notes
  • Sált ánd fresh ground bláck pepper
  • 2 táblespoons oil, such ás olive oil, ávocádo oil or grápeseed oil
  • 1 1/2 táblespoons butter
  • 2 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup fresh básil leáves
  • 3 to 4 lemon slices

  1. Use á páper towel to pát the scállops dry. Dust one side of the scállops with á smáll ámount of flour, ánd then seáson with sált ánd pepper.
  2. Heát á wide skillet over medium-high heát. ádd the oil to the pán. When the oil is hot ánd shimmery, cárefully pláce the scállops, seásoned-side-down, into the pán. Cook, without moving them until browned, ábout 2 minutes.
  3. While the first side is browning, dust the unseásoned side of the scállops with á bit of flour ánd seáson them with sált ánd pepper.
  4. Flip the scállops — if ány stick to the pán, wáit á few more seconds then try ágáin, gently wiggling them side to side to help releáse them. ádd the butter ánd gárlic to the pán, ánd then swirl the butter áround the pán ás it melts.
  5. Cook ánother minute or two then táke the pán off of the heát. Stir in the básil leáves ánd lemon slices. Serve.
Recipe Adapted From inspiredtaste.net

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