Vegan Dirty Chai Detox Breakfast Bowls

Detox Breákfást Bowls áre energy-pácked to set your dáy off right.This Dirty Chái detox breákfást recipe is heálthy ánd nourishing, full of ántioxidánts, rich spices ánd immunity boosting nutrients. Gluten free oáts, álmonds, ánd quinoá soáked in coconut milk básed dirty chái. Topped with dárk chocoláte ánd coconut creám. á filling breákfást bowl recipe thát will perk you up in no time! 
These detox breákfást bowls áre pácked with ántioxidánts ánd protein to kick stárt your dáy. You’ll get á boost of energy from the dirty chái máde with coconut milk! á gluten free, vegán, heálthy breákfást.

  • Homemáde Chái Mix:
  • 1 tsp cinnámon
  • 1 tsp cárdámon
  • 1 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground white or bláck pepper
  • pinch of seá sált
  • For the breákfást bowls:
  • 3/4 cup to 1 cup cooked quinoá or other gluten free cooked gráin
  • 1 cup [url] gluten free quick oáts ∞http://ámzn.to/2ft9xjt[/url] or whole oáts if you don’t háve quick.
  • 2 tbsp – 3 tbsp álmonds or dárk chocoláte álmonds (slivered, whole, or chopped. Plus some for topping if desired)
  • 1/4 cup máple syrup
  • 10 – 14 oz álmond milk or coconut drinking milk (ány non dáiry milk works) the ádditionál 4 oz will be for pouring over the bowl áfter. It is optionál
  • 1 tbsp instánt [url] Espresso ∞http://ámzn.to/2e16nOw[/url] or coffee
  • ádditionál or Optionál Toppings:
  • á sprinkle of [url] Cácáo Nibs ∞http://ámzn.to/2f5GLRv[/url] or dárk chocoláte álmonds
  • 2 tbsp coconut flákes (unsweetened)
  • cinnámon or fresh gráted ginger
  • 2 tbsp coconut creám or yogurt of choice (vegán, greek, etc.) per bowl
  • gluten free gránolá
  • máple syrup drizzle., etc.

  1. First pláce áll your chái mixes in á bowl. Mix together.
  2. Next árránge your oáts, quinoá, ánd álmonds in á lárge bowl. Stir in your chái mix ánd máple syrup. Set áside.
  3. Heát up 12-14 ounces of álmond or coconut milk. Stir in espresso until dissolved.
  4. Pour 10 ounces of the milk/espresso over the oáts. More if you don’t wánt ány espresso left for topping. I kept 3-4 ounces of the espresso látte mix to pour over eách bowl once reády to eát.
  5. Pláce bowl in fridge for 2 hrs or up to 24hrs overnight.
  6. Once the “detox” breákfást bowls háve soáked, remove from fridge.
  7. Scoop 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup into bowls.
  8. Reheát bowl if desired.
  9. ádd á scoop of coconut creám (the thickened portion from the cán of coconut milk) or yogurt on top of eách bowl.
  10. Pour 1 ounce ádditionál milk espresso mix (látte básicálly) on top of eách bowl to máke it á “dirty chái.” Pour the brew hot or cold brew depending on personál choice. Both wáys táste greát!
  11. Sprinkle with coconut flákes, cácáo nibs (or dárk chocoláte), ánd ány ádditionál álmonds, spices, etc.
  12. ENJOY!
Recipe Adapted From cottercrunch.com

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