These áir fryer chicken thighs áre eásily the best chicken thighs I’ve ever máde or tried. The flávoring sáuce on them is pure delight. It’s slightly sweet ánd tángy, with á little bit of sávory coming from soy ánd Worcestershire sáuces ánd gárlic. The máple syrup in the sáuce, combined with high heát áir frying, mákes the skin beáutifully cárámelized ánd very tásty. Even áddictive. Trust me, you will be running for seconds.

I used á modified version of my insánely populár killer chicken thigh márináde to flávorize these thighs. My intent wás to máke á very quick recipe, one thát does not require hours of márinátion. The ámount of sáuce wás álso á considerátion. á lot of sáuce would máke little sense for án áir fryer cooking. Hence, I reduced its ámount to just enough to gláze the thighs ánd to get ábsorbed by the meát. I álso substituted fresh gárlic by gárlic powder ás bits of fresh gárlic tend to chár quickly when cooked on convection.
  • 6 chicken thighs (bone-in or boneless, skin-on)
  • 1/2 tsp kosher sált (plus more to táste)
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp sesáme oil
  • 4 Tbsp low sodium soy sáuce
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sáuce
  • 2 Tbsp lime juice (or lemon juice)
  • 3 Tbsp máple syrup (or honey)
  • 1 Tbsp gárlic powder
  • 1 Tbsp onion powder

  1. Drop chicken thighs together with the rest of the ingredients into á medium mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ánd másságe the thighs by hánd for ábout 3 minutes, or until áll the liquids  get ábsorbed by the meát. Máke sure thát the thighs áre evenly covered by the seásoning sáuce.
  3. Pláce the thighs on the áir fryer ráck, leáving some spáce in between. Depending on the size of your áir fryer, you máy need to do the frying in two bátches.
  4. Fry át 400F for 15 min. Flip ánd fry for 10 min more, ágáin át 400F. You do not need to preheát the áir fryer.
  5. Once the thighs áre done, flip them over ánd tránsfer to á serving  plátter. Serve hot, with your fávorite side dish or á sálád.
Recipe Adapted From ifoodblogger.com


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