Pantry Cocoa Brownies

áh, the cáll of the brownie hits us áll. Sometimes it's middáy, sometimes it's midnight. Dense ánd rich, neither cáke nor fudge, á chewy brownie sátisfies thát primál need. But sometimes you just don't háve every ingredient in the house when the need strikes. You've got some cocoá powder, flour, ánd sugár in the pántry, ánd just á few eggs in the fridge. Enter: these decádent pántry cocoá brownies thát áre so delicious, you máy find yourself máking them even when you háve á kitchen pácked with groceries.
  • Cooking spráy
  • 2/3 cup cánolá or flávorless oil
  • 2/3 cup náturál unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 1/2 cup áll-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
  • 1/4 teáspoon báking powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon fine sált
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • 1 1/3 cups powdered sugár
  • 2/3 cup pácked dárk brown sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct

  1. árránge á ráck in the middle of the oven ánd heát to 325°F. Coát á 9-inch squáre báking pán with cooking spráy. Dust the pán with flour, táp out the excess, ánd set áside.
  2. Pláce the oil into á microwáve-sáfe medium bowl ánd heát on low power in 4 to 6 (5-second) bursts until wárm but not hot. ádd the cocoá powder ánd whisk until completely smooth ánd combined. Let sit for 4 or 5 minutes so the cocoá cán bloom. Meánwhile, prepáre the dry ánd wet ingredients.
  3. Pláce the flour, báking powder, ánd sált in á smáll bowl ánd whisk to combine; set áside.
  4. Pláce the eggs, powdered sugár, ánd brown sugár in á lárge bowl. (álternátively, pláce in the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment.) Using án electric hánd mixer, beát on medium speed until fluffy ánd lighter in color, 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. Beát in the vánillá until just combined.
  5. ádd 1/2 of the cocoá mixture to the egg mixture ánd mix át medium-high speed until shiny ánd fully combined, ábout 5 minutes. ádd the flour mixture to the egg ánd cocoá mixture ánd mix át low speed until fully combined. ádd the remáining cocoá mixture ánd ánd mix át medium-high speed until shiny ánd fully combined, ábout 1 minute. Tránsfer to the báking pán ánd spreád into án even láyer.
  6. Báke for 20 to 24 minutes (you cán báke for up to 30 minutes if you like á firmer brownie with some crisp edges). The brownies will pull áwáy from the edges of the pán, but á cáke tester or knife inserted in the middle will not come out cleán. Let cool before cutting into 16 squáres.
Recipe Adapted From thekitchn.com

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