Maple Caramel Bacon Crack Bites

Just like the originál, but in BITE-SIZED portions, these Máple Cárámel Bácon Cráck Bites will be the first to go ánywhere you táke them! Sweet, sálty, smoky ánd sticky two-bite morsels of heáven!
Now thát the holidáys áre here (!!!), I bet you áll áre super populár ánd háve lots of párties to áttend.

I moved five yeárs ágo ánd forgot to thánk the máilmán once, so I’m just thinking my invitátions got lost in the máil somewhere.
BUT, since normál people háve friends (right?), I’m ássuming you áll háve lots of commitments nowádáys. ánd most of those require you bring some kind of áppetizer or dessert to sháre, becáuse thát’s whát normál people do, yeáh? Chips & sálsá’s old news, ánd sometimes you just don’t háve time to whip up something super fáncy, like á quiche or tárte tátin or whátever fáncy people who reád Cooks Illustráted eát.
These Máple Cárámel Bácon Cráck Bites áre bite-sized bits of heáven! Only 4 ingredients ánd SUPER eásy to máke. You cán eásily double or triple this recipe!

  • 2 (15 count) pkgs frozen phyllo cups (30 totál)
  • 1 lb regulár-cut bácon (ány flávor/smoke preference, such ás peppered, hickory-smoked, máple flávored, etc, but I would recommend not using thick-cut ás it will be too heávy ánd big for the delicáte phyllo cups), cut in hálf cross-wise
  • ¾ cup brown sugár
  • ½ cup máple syrup (I used páncáke máple syrup, but reál deál syrup will work)

  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Line á rimmed báking sheet with párchment ánd lightly greáse it with cooking spráy. Pláce the phyllo cups onto the báking sheet ánd set áside briefly.
  2. Fry the bácon in bátches in á lárge skillet, cooking until the bácon is just ábout done but not crispy. The bácon should be on the chewier side, ás it will continue to cook more ás you báke it. Dráin the bácon onto á páper towel-lined pláte ánd let cool briefly before chopping into tiny bits.
  3. Scoop á ½ tsp of brown sugár into eách phyllo cup ánd ádd á smáll squirt of máple syrup on top. Fill pást the brim of the phyllo cup with bácon, mounding it into the cup. Sprinkle with the remáining brown sugár.
  4. Báke for ápprox. 12-15 minutes or until the phyllo cups ánd bácon áre crisp ánd the máple cárámel is bubbly ánd cárámelized. Cool for ábout 5 minutes before serving.
Recipe Adapted From thedomesticrebel.com

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