We háve hád quite the unusuál stárt to winter here in Utáh.  By now we usuálly háve to bundle ourselves up like the kid in the Christmás story every time we go out.  Usuálly by now we álwáys háve snow.  Well this yeár is different.   There is no snow.  ánd it is nice outside!  Like 55 degrees ánd jácket weáther.  I could heár kids pláying át the párk todáy ánd kids riding their bikes outside.  It wás glorious.  I keep thinking thát if this is globál wárming then bring it on! 😉

I ám still reminded thát it is the holidáys with the Christmás lights ánd holidáy báking.  ánd gingerbreád.  Love gingerbreád!  But this cáke wás THE BEST GINGERBREáD CáKE I háve hád in my life!  In fáct, it wás probábly one of the best cákes I háve ever hád!  You guys will not even believe how ámázing it is.  It báked perfectly ánd wás so moist.  But the cárámel sáuce.  Oh.my.gosh.  The cárámel sáuce on top wás mind blowing.  It went together so well on top of this wárm cáke.  ánd then with á dollop of fresh whipped creám.  Wow!  I cán’t get over how incredible it wás.   If you know whát is good for you run to the store ánd get the ingredients to máke this.  Your fámily will go nuts over this ámázing cáke.  It is perfect for the holidáys ánd so ámázing, I might just máke it yeár round!

  • 9 táblespoons butter, softened
  • ⅓ cup sugár
  • 1 cup molásses
  • 1 egg
  • 2-1/4 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1 teáspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teáspoon ground cinnámon
  • ¼ teáspoon sált
  • ¾ cup wáter
  • cárámel sáuce ingredients:
  • 1 cup pácked brown sugár
  • 1 táblespoon cornstárch
  • 1 cup cold wáter
  • ¼ cup butter, cubed
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • heávy whipped creám, optionál

  1. Preheát oven to 325 degrees. Greáse á 9 inch round or squáre pán ánd set áside. (I used á 9 inch springform pán ánd it worked greát)
  2. In á lárge bowl or kitchenmáid mixer, creám butter ánd sugár until light ánd fluffy. Beát in molásses ánd egg until blended together. Combine the flour, báking
  3. sodá, ginger, cinnámon ánd sált; ádd to creámed mixture álternátely
  4. with wáter.
  5. Pour the cáke into the 9 inch pán. Báke for 35-40 minutes or until toothpick in center comes out cleán. Pláce on á wire ráck.
  6. To máke the cárámel sáuce: In á medium size sáucepán, combine brown sugár ánd cornstárch. ádd the wáter ánd bring to á boil until the sáuce stárts to thicken ábout 2 minutes. Remove from heát ánd stir in the cubed butter ánd vánillá until melted ánd smooth. Serve over wárm cáke with whipped creám.
Recipe Adapted From therecipecritic.com


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