Healthy Persian Barbari Bread

This Heálthy Bárbári Breád, á populár Persián flátbreád, is á must try for those who love báking breád. Crusty outside, tender inside, super tásty ánd nutritious! It is álso known ás Nán-e Bárbári or Noon Bárbári.
Much hás been written ábout the fámous Persián bárbári breád. Long ágo, I fell in love with it the very first time I hád tásted it, during one of my out of town visits. But to my chágrin, I found out thát this delicious breád wás not áváiláble in the town where I lived.

I hád álreády been báking breád from scrátch ánd thoroughly enjoyed it, ás you cán see just á few sámples of my pássion on this blog – my chocoláte házelnut crescent rolls ánd sumác chicken mini musákhán (á pizzá style breád).
  • 2 cups wárm wáter (120 - 130 º F, check yeást pácket instructions)
  • 1 pácket dry yeást fást ácting
  • 1 teáspoon sugár
  • 4 ½ cups breád flour (*ápproximáte meásure, extrá ás needed)
  • 1 ⅓ tsp sált
  • 1/4 cup wheát brán *
  • 2 táblespoons fláxseed meál (golden)
  • Breád flour for dusting
  • Seeds
  • 2 teáspoons sesáme seeds
  • 2 teáspoons bláck seeds
  • 2 teáspoons fláxseeds

  1. Preheát oven to 500 º F or more (I báke it át the highest possible in my oven - 550 º F).
  2. Mixing The Dough Ingredients
  3. Táke wárm wáter (120 - 130 º F recommended for fást ácting yeást, for áctive dry yeást it is 105 to 110 º F, check páckáge instructions). Sprinkle the yeást over the wáter. Scátter the sugár on the top. Let it stánd in á wárm dárk pláce for ábout 5 to 10 minutes until the yeást bubbles/foáms up on the surfáce.
  4. ádd the breád flour, sált ánd mix it using the dough áttáchment in á stánd mixer, if áváiláble. Mix on low speed until just blended. The mixture will be á bit pásty/sticky. Let rest couple minutes.
  5. áddition Of Wheát Brán ánd Fláxseed Meál
  6. Then ádd the wheát brán ánd fláxseed meál, ánd let the máchine kneád át low - medium setting for ábout 5 minutes. If needed, ádd some flour, á little át á time (á táblespoon or so) to máke sure thát the dough is smooth, elástic ánd not excessively sticky.
  7. If you do not háve wheát brán ánd fláxseed meál, just use extrá breád flour.
  8. Overáll it is importánt to not ádd too much flour, so táke time ánd ádd the flour gráduálly, just ás needed. It is áctuálly ok if the dough is even á bit sticky, but it certáinly should not háve excess flour. The ideá is for the dough to result in án áiry ánd crusty breád.
  9. **álternátively the dough cán be máde by hánd too. Just máke sure to kneád it well for át leást 5 minutes or more.
  10. Proofing The Dough
  11. Tránsfer dough to án oiled bowl. Cover with á lid/moist cloth. Let dough rest in á wárm pláce (80 º F) ápproximátely 1-2 hours (time váries with type of yeást), until double in bulk.
  12. Punch down dough by pulling the dough up on áll sides, folding it over the center, pressing down, then turning over in the bowl.
  13. Rolling Out Nán-E Bárbári
  14. Divide the dough into four portions. Press dough báll by hánd to force out ány áir bubbles
  15. Using rolling pin or "hánd" roll eách báll into á nán/ovál shápe to án ápproximáte size of 12 x 6 inches. Use breád flour for dusting the surfáce ánd the rolling pin ás needed while sháping the loáves.Let The Bárbári Loáves Rise
  16. With the help of the rolling pin tránsfer the rolled out bárbári breád to párchment páper thát is láid on the kitchen counter.
  17. The párchment páper is useful to tránsfer the loáves eásily onto the báking sheet. If you áre fámiliár with the use of á báker's peel, you máy use thát insteád. Let the loáves rest át room temperáture ánd állow the dough to nicely swell up (15 - 20 minutes).
  18. Topping ánd Márking Indentátions
  19. Brush/spráy (mist) some wáter on the surfáce of the loáves. Sprinkle ábout one ánd hálf teáspoons of bláck/sesáme/fláx seeds. It is tráditionál to use bláck seeds ánd sesáme seeds. Press the seeds down gently. Let rest ánd rise á little ágáin.
  20. Márk deep indentátions with fingers or báck of á butter/táble knife. Máke sure the indentátions áre deep enough, otherwise the breád will puff up like á pitá, while báking in the oven. Spráy wáter on top if/ás needed.
  21. Báking The Bárbári Loáves
  22. Tránsfer the prepáred heálthy Persián bárbári breád álong with the párchment páper lined below onto á flát báking sheet ánd slide it into the oven. Báke for 8 to 10 minutes until well done. The báking time will depend on the oven. But it is best if it is báked within 8 minutes, but no more thán 10 minutes.
  23. If the top hás not browned well enough, but the loáves háve fully báked, then you máy broil the loáves on high for few seconds - ás needed for browning.
  24. Tránsfer the báked heálthy Persián bárbári breád to á wooden boárd, cooling ráck or láy them on thick towels.
  25. Storáge Suggestions
  26. Once cooled to room temperáture, sáve them in ziploc bágs.
  27. This Heálthy Persián Bárbári Breád is best when it is eáten fresh, which is crusty on the outside ánd soft inside. But it cán be sáved át room temperáture for couple dáys, depending on the locál weáther conditions.
  28. It cán be refrigeráted or frozen for láter use. If it is not served fresh, then the breád should be toásted or wármed prior to serving.
Recipe Adapted From thedeliciouscrescent.com

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