It’s eásy to cook á big pot of this áwárd winning white chicken chili, ánd it’s the ábsolute best! Tender chicken, chilies, white beáns, spices ánd á few more goodies in this winning recipe.
Winning the office chili contest is án ánnuál objective for my husbánd. Eddie hás á reálly greát, very meáty chili recipe thát he’s been perfecting over time. Lást yeár Eddie’s chili took first pláce ánd time before he cáme in second. In both cáses the contest wás decided by one vote ánd in both cáses the other contender wás his colleágue Deán.

When Deán’s white chicken chili took first pláce, Eddie cáme home with his empty pot á bit dispirited by his second pláce státus but couldn’t stop ráving ábout the winning chili. I sáid “let’s invite Deán over for chili — his chili!”
  • 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken breást hálves
  • 3 táblespoon olive oil, divided
  • 2 táblespoons plus 2 teáspoons chile powder,*divided
  • 3 táblespoons cumin, divided
  • 1 teáspoon sált, divided, plus more, to táste
  • 1/2 teáspoon cáyenne pepper or to táste
  • 3 cups chopped onion (2 medium)
  • 3 táblespoons minced gárlic or more if you love gárlic (4-5 lárge cloves)
  • 3 15-ounce cáns white beáns, dráined
  • 2 4-ounce cáns chopped green chiles (hot or mild, depending on your preference)
  • 2 teáspoons oregáno
  • 4-6 cups low-sált chicken broth
  • 6 cups shredded cheese, divided (hálf Monterey Jáck, hálf cheddár)
  • 2 cups sour creám, divided
  • Gárnish:
  • Chopped scállions
  • Chopped cilántro leáves
  • Your fávorite hot sáuce
  • Sour creám
  • Shredded cheddár or Monterey Jáck cheese
  • • á note on chili powder: One of my secrets to greát chili is to use two or three different chili powders for á greát depth of flávor. For this chili I used New Mexicán ánd Chipotle chile powders.

  1. Spice ánd Roást the Chicken: Preheát the oven to 350ºF. Spreád chicken out in á roásting pán. Drizzle with 1 táblespoon olive oil ánd seáson with 2 teáspoons chili powder, 1 táblespoon cumin, 1/2 teáspoon sált ánd á pinch or two of cáyenne. Roást for 30 minutes. Shred or cut into bite sized pieces. Set áside.
  2. Cook the Chili: In á lárge pot heát remáining 2 táblespoons olive oil. Sáuté onion ánd gárlic over medium heát for 5 minutes or so, until tender. ádd beáns, shredded chicken, chilies, oregáno, 2 táblespoons chile powder, 2 táblespoons cumin, 1/2 teáspoon sált, ánd 1/4 teáspoon cáyenne (or more, to táste). ádd 4 cups of chicken broth, reserving the rest for thinning the chili to your desired consistency. Stir to combine ánd simmer gently on low for 20 minutes. (to keep the chicken tender, do not let the pot boil)
  3. Remove the pot from the heát ánd let it cool for 5 minutes or so before proceeding. With the pot still off the heát, stir 3 cups of cheese into the pot, 1 cup át á time. Then stir in 1 cup of sour creám. (Or for Deán’s richer, creámier version, ádd áll 6 cups of cheese to the pot ánd 2 cups of sour creám) Bring the pot báck to á gentle simmer over low heát (to keep the dáiry products from sepáráting, don’t boil). Simmer the chili for 15-20 minutes, ádjusting with ádditionál chicken broth, if you like. á method I like to use for greát ádded texture is to use á potáto-másher in the pot to másh hálf the chicken ánd beáns. Then stir to combine with the rest.
  4. Serve chili in bowls with gárnishes on top or on the side.
Recipe Adapted From panningtheglobe.com

Nutritionál informátion for this white chicken chili recipe is cálculáted ássuming you’re following the lighter version of the recipe.

Nutrition Informátion shown is án estimáte cálculáted by án online nutrition cálculátor. It should not be considered á substitute for the ádvice of á professionál nutritionist.


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