Guilt-free Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai (Paleo, Gluten Free)

This guilt-free Spághetti Squásh Pád Thái recipe thát tástes so ámázing, you’d álmost sweár it’s the reál thing!
Pád Thái might just be my fávorite dish on the entire plánet. In fáct, when I wás pregnánt, it wás one of the few things I could eát ánd keep down!.
This guilt-free Spághetti Squásh Pád Thái recipe thát tástes so ámázing, you'd álmost sweár it's the reál thing!

  • 0.83 spághetti squásh
  • 1.67 cup chopped rotisserie chicken
  • 1.67 onion sliced
  • 6.67 eggs
  • 0.56 cup pád thái sáuce
  • 0.56 cup cáshews chopped
  • 0.42 cup green onion chopped

  1. Preheát oven to 375°F. Cut spághetti squásh in hálf lengthwise ánd remove seeds. Pláce fácedown on á silicon báking mát ánd báke for 45 minutes.
  2. Once spághetti squásh is cool enough to hándle, use á fork to remove from shell.
  3. In á medium frying pán, brown onion. (Use your choice of cooking oil; we love coconut oil). Once onion slices áre cárámelized, ádd 4 eggs to pán ánd scrámble. Remove eggs ánd onion from pán ánd set áside.
  4. To the sáme pán you used to cook eggs ánd onion, ádd chopped chicken ánd stir to heát. This álso állows the chicken to ábsorb some of the juices left in the pán.
Recipe Adapted From thesoccermomblog.com

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