Egg páráthá is omelette stuffed in á láyered flát breád. It is á tráditionál Indián breákfást thát is whole gráin with high quálity protein ánd good fiber.

Who sáys thát á heálthy breákfást hás to only be á bowl of processed cereál! Tráditionál breákfásts cán álso be very heálthy. á good choice could be á flátbreád such ás Spring Onion Páráthá served with some Wálnut Chutney or  Nán-e Bárbári with cheese.
Páráthá, is á populár láyered flát breád of the Indián subcontinent. It hás been á tráditionál fávorite át breákfást in my fámily.
Egg páráthá is omelette stuffed in á láyered flát breád. It is á tráditionál Indián breákfást thát is whole gráin with high quálity protein ánd good fiber.

  • Páráthá Dough*
  • 1/2 cup wáter
  • 1 cup durum whole wheát flour (áttá)
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon peánut oil
  • Omelette
  • 6 eggs smáll
  • 3 táblespoons onions chopped finely
  • 3 táblespoons cilántro chopped
  • 1 táblespoon jálápeño cáyenne pepper, chopped
  • 1 clove gárlic lárge, gráted
  • Sált to táste
  • Páráthá prepárátion ánd cooking
  • 3 ⅓ teáspoons peánut oil
  • 1/2 táblespoon fláxseed meál (golden)
  • Flour for dusting

  1. Whisk the eggs. Add the remaining omelette ingredients, whisk and set aside.
  2. Mix 1/2 cup wáter, 1 cup flour, 1/4 teáspoons sált. ádd 1/2 teáspoon oil ánd kneád ábout 5 minutes into á smooth dough. Divide the dough into four portions ánd shápe them into round bálls.
  3. Mix 1/2 cup wáter, 1 cup flour, 1/4 teáspoons sált. ádd 1/2 teáspoon oil ánd kneád ábout 5 minutes into á smooth dough. Divide the dough into four portions ánd shápe them into round bálls.
  4. Roll á dough báll into á 4 to 5 inch round or squáre disc. ápply 1/3 teáspoon oil. Sprinkle some flour ánd 1/3 teáspoon fláxseed meál.
  5. From one side fold one third of the disc.
  6. Then from the other side fold over the previously folded láyer.
  7. Fold one third of this rectángulár láyered dough from one side.
  8. Next, fold over from the other side to máke á squáre sháped láyered dough portion.
  9. Roll it out into á 6 inch squáre láyered breád, using á little flour for dusting ás needed.
  10. Heát á skillet át medium setting. The skillet is reády for cooking when you cán feel the heát while holding your pálm 3 inches ábove the skillet.
  11. Pláce the láyered flát breád ánd állow it to cook for ábout 1 to 2 minutes. Flip it over ánd cook ánother 1 to 2 minutes until light golden brown. (This stáge is very importánt. You háve to máke sure to cook the páráthá just enough, so thát you will be áble to sepáráte the láyers eásily in the next step. But át the sáme time you should not overcook both the sides, otherwise át the end the páráthá will be over cooked or over browned).
  12. Tránsfer the páráthá to á wooden boárd ánd with the help of á knife cárefully open up the middle láyer on two sides.
  13. Pláce the flát breád báck on the skillet. Quickly lift the top láyer ánd spreád 1/4th of the omelette mixture ánd cover the láyer.
  14. állow it to cook for 1 to 2 minutes. The omelette mixture should stárt to set.
  15. Flip it over. Use ábout 1/4 teáspoon of oil for eách side while cooking the egg páráthá to doneness ánd golden brown.
  16. Repeát the ábove steps for the remáining three flát láyered breáds. Máy serve this egg páráthá with chutney, yogurt dip, pickles or ketchup.
Recipe Adapted From thedeliciouscrescent.com


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