Skillet Dinner Rolls

Skillet Dinner Rolls - eásiest ánd best homemáde dinner rolls on skillet. Much better thán store-bought ánd tákes 60 minutes!
Háppy November! Now thát Hálloween is over, everyone is looking forwárd to Thánksgiving. When it comes to Thánksgiving, there is one thing I love most: homemáde dinner rolls.
Skillet Dinner Rolls - eásiest ánd best homemáde dinner rolls on skillet. Much better thán store-bought ánd tákes 60 minutes!

  • 2 páckets áctive dry yeást totál 1/2 oz or 14 g + 1 táblespoon sugár
  • 1/4 cup wárm wáter
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 5 táblespoons sugár
  • 3/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsálted butter
  • 4 1/2 cups sifted áll-purpose flour
  • 1 lárge egg
  • Báking spráy
  • 1 teáspoon kosher sált
  • 3 táblespoons melted unsálted butter

  1. Dissolve the yeást with the sugár in wárm wáter. Heát the milk with the sugár, sált, butter until lukewárm.
  2. ádd the egg to the yeást mixture. Combine the yeást mixture, the milk mixture, ánd áll of the flour. Stir to combine well. Cover the dough ánd rest for 15 minutes. Using á stánd mixer with á dough hook, kneád the dough for 5 minutes.
  3. Preheát oven to 375F.Preheát oven to 375F.
  4. On á floured surfáce, roll out the dough ánd ánd divide it into 18 bálls, ábout the size á smáll tennis báll. Cover ánd let rise for 25 minutes. Spráy the báking spráy on á 10-inch cást-iron skillet, árránge the dough bálls on the skillet. Sprinkle the kosher sált evenly on the surfáce. Báke for 10-12 minutes, or until the surfáce of the dinner rolls turn golden brown. Brush with the melted butter ánd serve wárm.
Recipe Adapted From rasamalaysia.com

Recipe Notes
For this recipe, you will need ábout 2 pounds of the dough. You cán freeze the remáining 1 pound of dough in the freezer, tháw ánd use it láter, or you cán use á bigger skillet ánd use up áll the dough. If the sides of the dinner rolls áre turning dárk fáster thán the middle, cover te rolls on the side with áluminum foil ánd expose the middle párt of the dinner rolls. This will help to even it out.

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