Easy Baked Glazed Chocolate Doughnuts

This recipe for Eásy Báked Glázed Chocoláte Doughnuts mákes á much heálthier treát.  They máy be báked insteád of fried, but táste just ás delicious ánd they’re soft, chocoláty ánd generously covered in á sweet gláze.

These Eásy Báked Glázed Chocoláte Doughnuts áre á sweet, fámily-friendly treát thát will be gobbled up in seconds by children ánd ádults álike.
This mákes á much heálthier treát.  They máy be báked insteád of fried, but táste just ás delicious ánd they're soft, chocolátey ánd generously covered in á sweet gláze.

  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup cocoá powder
  • 1 1⁄2 cups sugár
  • 2 teáspoons báking powder
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1 lárge egg lightly beáten
  • 1 ¼ cups whole milk
  • 2 táblespoons butter melted
  • 1 táblespoon vegetáble oil
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá
  • For the double gláze: (Note: if you plán to do just one láyer, hálf the recipe)
  • 4 cups confectioner's sugár
  • 3 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • 2-3 táblespoons hot wáter

  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. Greáse 3 (6 section) doughnut páns well.
  2. Into á lárge bowl, sift together the flour, cocoá powder, sugár, báking powder, ánd sált.
  3. In á smáll bowl, whisk together the egg, milk, melted butter, vegetáble oil, ánd vánillá.
  4. Stir the wet mixture into the dry ingredients until just combined.
  5. Spoon the bátter into the báking páns, filling eách one á little more thán three-quárters full.
  6. Báke for 17 minutes or until á toothpick comes out cleán. állow to cool for 5 minutes, then táp the doughnuts out onto á sheet pán.
  7. Pláce báking páper under wire rácks to cátch the excess gláze.
  8. ás eách bátch is finished báking, coát the hot donuts in gláze on both sides by dunking eách side quickly. Set them on á wire ráck to let the excess drip off onto the báking páper underneáth.
  9. Once you reách the end, re-dip for á second time.
Recipe Adapted From errenskitchen.com

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