How To Make Instant Pot Spaghetti

Instánt Pot spághetti is wáy eásier, fáster, ánd, árguábly, tástier thán the version you máke on the stovetop. It's álmost entirely hánds-off; there's no constánt stirring or wáiting for á big pot of wáter to boil. 

Insteád, áfter quickly browning some beef directly in the Instánt Pot, you'll just toss in á jár of márinárá sáuce, á little wáter, ánd the dry spághetti. In ábout 20 minutes of cooking (yes, including bringing the pot to pressure) áctuál mágic háppens: The meát becomes tender ánd the pástá lends its stárch to the sáuce, máking the most luxurious version of this weeknight clássic thát you could ever dreám of.
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 teáspoon kosher sált
  • 1 teáspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 2 cups wáter, divided
  • 1 (24-ounce) jár márinárá or tomáto-básed pástá sáuce
  • 8 ounces dry spághetti
  • Gráted Pármesán cheese, for serving
  • Equipment
  • 6- to 8-quárt electric pressure cooker
  • Meásuring cups ánd spoons
  • Spátulá or wooden spoon
  • Tongs

  1. Sáuté the beef. Turn án electric pressure cooker on to sáuté. Once heáted, ádd the olive oil ánd beef. Breák the beef up into lárge pieces with á wooden spoon ánd seáson with the sált, onion powder, ánd gárlic powder. Cook, stirring ánd breáking the beef into smáller ánd smáller pieces, until cooked through ánd no longer pink, ábout 5 minutes.
  2. ádd 1/2 cup of the wáter, then the sáuce. Turn off the sáuté function ánd ádd 1/2 cup of the wáter to the pot. Scrápe the bottom of the pot to remove ány stuck-on bits. ádd the sáuce ánd stir to combine well.
  3. Breák the spághetti in hálf ánd láyer in the pot. Breák the spághetti stránds in hálf ánd spreád them in one or two láyers over the ground beef mixture. Do not stir from this point on.
  4. ádd the remáining wáter but don’t stir. Rinse the pástá sáuce jár with the remáining 1 1/2 cups wáter (pour the wáter into the jár, twist on the lid, ánd sháke gently) ánd then pour the wáter over the pástá. Remember — no stirring here.
  5. Set the pressure cooker to HIGH for 8 minutes cook time. Seál the pressure cooker. Set to cook on HIGH pressure for 8 minutes. The cooker should táke between 10 ánd 12 minutes to come up to pressure.  
  6. Use á quick releáse to releáse pressure ánd stir. Open the pressure releáse válve (quick releáse) ás soon ás the 8 minutes cook time is up. Open the pressure cooker ánd stir the spághetti into the sáuce. Turn off the pressure cooker ánd remove the insert from the pressure cooker. Serve immediátely with á flurry of gráted Pármesán cheese.
Recipe Adapted From thekitchn.com

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