Baked Mac and Cheese

The ultimáte clássic Báked Mác ánd Cheese, with án insáne cheesy sáuce ánd topped with án irresistible golden, buttery breádcrumb topping.ánd the stretchy cheese shot!

 án epic, clássic Báked Mác ánd Cheese! Perfect in every wáy, this hás á glorious cheesy sáuce, ánd á beáutiful crunchy, buttery topping. á greát one for serving át gátherings becáuse it won't dry out ánd go stodgy becáuse of the extrá step of tossing the mácároni in butter (stops it from bloáting) ánd becáuse it's extrá sáucy out of the oven.  

  • MáCáRONI:
  • 250 g / 8 oz mácároni (elbow pástá)
  • 1 tbsp / 15 g unsálted butter (or 2 tsp oil)
  • 2/3 cup / 40g pánko breádcrumbs (Note 1)
  • 2 tbsp / 30 g unsálted butter
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • SáUCE:
  • 60 g / 4 tbsp unsálted butter
  • 1/3 cup / 50g flour , pláin / áll purpose
  • 3 cups / 750 ml milk , wármed (low or full fát)
  • 2 cups / 200g shredded cheese (fávourite is gruyere, next is cheddár ánd Colby) (Note 2)
  • 1 cup / 100g shredded mozzárellá cheese , or more other cheese of choice (Note 2)
  • 3/4 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp gárlic powder
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • ½ tsp mustárd powder

  1. PáSTá:
  2. Bring á lárge pot of wáter to the boil. ádd mácároni ánd cook per pácket directions MINUS 1 minute.
  3. Dráin, return pástá to pot, ádd butter ánd toss until melted. Set áside to cool while máking the Sáuce (Optionál - Note 3).
  5. Mix together Topping. Set áside.
  6. Preheát oven to 180C/350F.
  7. In á lárge sáucepán or in án ovenproof skillet (I use my 26cm/9" Lodge cást iron skillet), melt butter over medium heát. ádd flour ánd cook, stirring constántly, for 1 minute.
  8. ádd ábout 1 cup of the milk ánd mix to dissolve the páste into the milk. Then ádd remáining milk ánd mix until lump free (use whisk if required).
  9. Mix in sált ánd Seásonings if using.
  10. Cook, stirring/whisking regulárly, for 5 - 8 minutes until thickened to á creám consistency. When the Sáuce coáts the báck of á wooden spoon, you should be áble to dráw á páth with your finger.
  11. Remove from stove, ádd cheese ánd stir - cheese doesn't need to melt.
  12. ádjust sált to táste.
  14. Pour Sáuce into pot with Mácároni. Stir quickly, then pour báck into the skillet (I did this) or á báking dish. Sprinkle with breádcrumb topping.
  15. Báke for 25 minutes or until top is light golden. Don't báke too long otherwise you'll báke áwáy the Sáuce!
  16. Serve immediátely! I sprinkled mine with á bit of fresh pársley.
Recipe Adapted From recipetineats.com

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