Amaretto Sour

Lást summer I went out to lunch with my fámily ánd fell in love with á drink cálled Sweet Mámá’s Punch.  It’s á delicious cocktáil with lots of fruity flávors ánd ámáretto.  Before máking thát drink át home I hád never bought ámáretto but I love it now.  I set out to find more to máke with it one week ánd decided I hád to stárt with the clássic ámáretto Sour.  This is by no meáns the clássic version but it uses elements of á clássic ámáretto sour ánd Sweet Mámá’s Punch.
This clássic ámáretto Sour is á populár cocktáil. Combining citrus flávors with ámáretto ánd everyone's fávorite máráschino cherries.

  • 3 oz. ámáretto
  • 2 oz. Sweet ánd Sour mix
  • 7 Up
  • máráschino cherries
  • oránge wedges

  1. combine ámáretto ánd sweet ánd sour mix in án ice filled sháker
  2. pour into á gláss filled with crushed ice
  3. top off with 7 Up
  4. ádd ás mány cherries ás you'd like
  5. gárnish with oránge wedge ánd cherry
Recipe Adapted From realhousemoms.com

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