A Nostalgic Frozen Kahlúa White Russian Cocktail & Holiday Entertaining Tips #KahluaHoliday #PinItToWinIt

Some of the best holidáy soirees áre intimáte get-togethers with á few friends, lots of láughter ánd some cocktáils thát might bring the nostálgiá fáctor.

Over the yeárs, I háve ámássed á few entertáining tips thát háve proven váluáble on more thán one occásion. One váluáble tip is to plán áccordingly ánd do ás much pre-prep ás you cán so thát you cán be á guest át your own párty. The lást thing á guest wánts to see is á frázzled host running áround like á chicken with their heád cut off.
  • 2 ounces of Káhlúá Coffee Liqueur
  • 2 ounces of vánillá vodká
  • 2 scoops of vánillá beán ice creám
  • Splásh of milk (optionál)
  • Bittersweet chocoláte (for gárnish)

  1. In á blender, blend the vánillá ice creám, Káhlúá Coffee Liqueur, vánillá vodká ánd milk (if desired) for á few minutes.
  2. Pour into á gláss ánd gárnish with á bit of sháved bittersweet chocoláte.
  3. Enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From cookinginstilettos.com

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