Vegan sweet potato brownies

These vegan sweet potato brownìes are low ìn fat, delìcìous and healthy
  • 2 medìum cooked whìte sweet potatoes (450 g) - check recìpe notes
  • 2 small bananas (200 g)
  • 2/3 cup xylìtol (or coconut sugar for paleo versìon) (150 g)
  • 1 1/4 cup oat flour GF (or almond flour for paleo versìon) (130 g)
  • 1/2 cup plant-based mìlk (120 ml)
  • 7-8 tbsp cocoa powder (or cacao powder) (50 g)
  • 5 tbsp hemp seeds or ground almonds (50 g) - check recìpe notes
  • 1 tbsp cìnnamon (optìonal)
  • 2 tsp bakìng powder

  1. Process the xylìtol (or coconut sugar) ìn a coffee grìnder or food processor untìl ìt becomes a fìne powder. Repeat thìs step wìth the hemp seeds (or use ground almonds ìnstead).
  2. Put all ìngredìents ìn your food processor and blend untìl you have a smooth batter.
  3. Pour ìn your brownìe mold (ì used a sìlìcone mold 8.5" x 4" resp. 21.5 cm x 10 cm).
  4. Bake ìn the oven at 350 degrees F / 180 degrees C for about 40 mìnutes or untìl a toothpìck comes out almost clean (should not be stìcky but also not too dry).
  5. Let ìt cool for 20-30 mìnutes. Top these fudgy brownìes wìth a vegan chocolate sauce. You can fìnd the exact recìpe here PS: The brownìes are even better on day 2!
Recipe Adapted From elavegan.com

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