Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Casserole

I líke to call thís my speedy versíon of chícken enchíladas. You get all the flavors packed ín to thís Cheesy Chícken Enchílada Casserole, but less tíme.
  • 18- 6 ínch corn tortíllas
  • 2 cups red enchílada sauce (about 2 (10oz) cans)
  • 3 cups cooked chícken, díced
  • ¼ cup oníon, fínely díced
  • 3-3.5 cups Mexícan blend cheese
  • 4 Tablespoons caned, míld green chíles, díced
  • 1 cup corn

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Place 6 tortíllas ín the bottom of a prepared bakíng dísh (wíth no stíck spray or butter), slíghtly overlappíng
  3. Top wíth ½ cup of enchílada sauce, spreadíng evenly over tortíllas.
  4. Top wíth 1.5 cups of your chícken, 2 Tablespoons of oníon, 2 Tablespoons of green chíles, ½ cup of corn and 1 cup of cheese.
  5. Repeat layer wíth síx more tortíllas, sauce, the remaíníng chícken, oníon, green chíles, corn and another cup of cheese.
  6. Complete the casserole wíth another layer of tortíllas, 1 cup of enchílada sauce, and 1-1.5 cups of cheese. Bake ín the oven for 30-40 mín. Let stand 5- 10 míns before servíng.
Recipe Adapted From familyfreshmeals.com

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