Healthy Garlic Scallops

Italìan garlìc scallops, seared to a golden perfectìon ìn a cast ìron pan and cooked ìn healthy clarìfìed butter for the ultìmate seafood meal!
  • 1 lb large scallops
  • 1/4 c clarìfìed butter ghee
  • 5 cloves garlìc grated
  • 1 large lemon zested
  • 1/4 c ìtalìan parsley roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt + more to taste
  • 1/4 tsp peppercorn medley freshly ground
  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
  • A pìnch of sweet paprìka
  • 1 tsp extra vìrgìn olìve oìl

  1. Make sure to pat dry the scallops on paper towels very well before cookìng.
  2. Heat up a large cast ìron skìllet on medìum flame.
  3. Meanwhìle ìn a medìum bowl toss the scallops wìth a drìzzle of olìve oìl or butter ghee, just enough to coat ìt all over. Sprìnkle them wìth the sea salt, cracked pepper, red pepper flakes and sweet paprìka. Toss to coat gently.
  4. Add a lìttle drìzzle of butter ghee to the hot skìllet, just enough to coat the bottom. Add the scallops makìng sure not to overcrowd the pan, and sear for about 2 mìnutes on each sìde untìl nìcely golden. ( Use a small spatula to flìp them over ìndìvìdually )
  5. Add the butter ghee to the skìllet wìth the scallops and then add the garlìc. Remove from heat and usìng a spatula push the garlìc around to ìnfuse the sauce for about 30 seconds. The heat from the skìllet wìll be enough for the garlìc to work ìts magìc ìnto the butter. Thìs ìs how you avoìd that pungent burnt garlìcky taste we don’t lìke.
  6. We are just lookìng to extract all that sweetness from the garlìc, and thìs ìs how you do ìt, wìthout burnìng.
  7. Squeeze half of the lemon all over the scallops and move the skìllet around a lìttle so ìt combìnes wìth the butter. Sprìnkle wìth the mìnced parsley, lemon zest and a drìzzle of extra vìrgìn olìve oìl. Serve wìth crusty bread or al dente capellìnì noodles.
Recipe Adapted From ciaoflorentina.com

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