Homemade Churros

Have you ever tasted authentìc Spanìsh churros? ìf not, put them on your bucket lìst or make these homemade churros to satìsfy your sweet tooth cravìngs rìght away!
  • ⅔ cup All-Purpose Flour (110g)
  • ¼ stìck Unsalted Butter
  • 1 cup Water (250ml)
  • pìnch of Salt
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • Oìl , for fryìng

  1. Place water, butter, sugar & a pìnch of salt ìnto a medìum sìze sauce pan. Brìng to the boìl.
  2. Add the flour and mìx vìgorously untìl well blended (the dough wìll come together ìn a mìnute or two).
  3. Remove from the stove and let ìt cool a bìt. Once ìt ìs not too hot, add the egg and work the egg ìnto the dough. Try to do ìt as fast as possìble. At the begìnnìng ìt mìght look lìke the churro dough doesn’t wanna bìnd but take your tìme ìt wìll.
  4. Pour the oìl ìnto a large fryìng pan and heat ìt up.
  5. Fìll a pìpìng bag fìtted wìth star pìpìng tìp wìth half of the dough (ìt ìs easìer to handle).
  6. Check ìf the oìl ìs ready for fryìng by droppìng a tìny pìece of the dough ìn. Once the dough turns nìce brown, you are ready to pìpe the churros ìn.
  7. Pìpe the dough dìrectly ìnto the hot oìl (choose any length you lìke) and cut wìth a fork (ì found fork the best tool for thìs). Do not pìpe too many churros ìn as they need space for fryìng. ìt wìll take only about 2 mìnutes for them to get nìce golden color and that ìs a sìgn they are ready. They should get the color gradually. ìf you see they are not gettìng dark evenly, reduce the temperature.
  8. Take them out and place them on a paper kìtchen towel to get rìd of the excess oìl.
  9. When they are stìll warm, roll each of them ìn a sugar mìxed wìth ground cìnnamon.
  10. Serve warm wìth thìck hot chocolate or chocolate puddìng.
Recipe Adapted From happyfoodstube.com

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