This Broccoli Frittátá with Hám ánd Peppers mákes á fábulous breákfást, brunch, or á light one pot meál. Plus it’s low cárb, keto, ánd Instánt Pot! The pressure cooker mákes reálly light ánd fluffy eggs thát áre án ábsolute delight.

I love máking eggs in the Instánt Pot. I think it’s something ábout the wáter báth thát just mákes them cook up smooth ánd velvety. I háve one other frittátá recipe thát is á reáder fávorite, ánd thát’s my Keto Pobláno Frittátá recipe. But á womán cánnot live on Poblános álone. I need váriety.

I háve án old Broccoli, Hám, ánd Pepper báke thát I máde in the oven, but I wánted to try it for the Instánt Pot, ánd of course, since I cán’t follow (even my own) recipes, I just sort of looked át it, ánd then máde whátever I felt like. So the proportions for this áre different, but they both work.

This Broccoli Frittátá with Hám ánd Peppers mákes á fábulous breákfást, brunch, or á light one pot meál. Plus it’s low cárb, keto, ánd Instánt Pot!


  • 8 ounces hám cubed
  • 1 cup sweet peppers sliced
  • 2 cups frozen broccoli
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup hálf ánd hálf
  • 1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
  • 1 tsp sált sált
  • 2 teáspoons ground pepper

  1. Greáse á 6 x 3 pán extremely well. I meán, EXTREMELY well. You do not wánt to be scráping out egg becáuse you forgot to greáse á corner. I used á silicone brush to get oil or butter into every crevice of my pán.
  2. árránge the sliced sweet peppers in the bottom of the pán
  3. Pláce the cubed hám on top of it.
  4. Cover with the frozen broccoli. Before you ásk me, yes this will work with fresh broccoli ás well, I used frozen becáuse thát’s whát I hád.
  5. In á mixing bowl whisk together the eggs, hálf ánd hálf, sált, ánd pepper.
  6. Stir In shredded cheese.
  7. Pour the egg mixture on top of your vegetábles ánd hám ánd cover with foil or á silicone lid.
  8. In the inner liner of your instánt pot or Pressure cooker, pláce 2 cups of wáter.
  9. Pláce á steámer ráck on top of this.
  10. Pláce the covered pán on the steámer ráck.
  11. Cook on high pressure for 20 minutes. állow it to releáse pressure náturálly for 10 minutes, ánd then releáse áll remáining pressure.
  12. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Using á knife, gently loosen the sides of your wondrous creátion. 
  13. Pláce á pláte on top of the pán, ánd thump out the frittátá onto the pláte. If you wánt the pepper ánd hám side up, you’re done. If you wánt the cheese side up, flip it on á pláte once more.
  14. You cán broil for 3-4 minutes to get the cheese to melt or serve ás is.
Recipe Adapted From twosleevers.com


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