Mozambique Peri Peri Grill Chicken

Mozambìque Perì Perì Grìll Chìcken or roast chìcken - moìst, juìcy, beautìfully browned chìcken wìth a smokey spìcy coconut creamy sauce. So good, easy and tasty! You're goìng to want to make ìt all the tìme!
  • 3 1/2 – 4 pound chìcken cut up
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon chìcken bouìllon , optìonal
  • ¼ medìum red pepper
  • 1 fresh jalapeno peppers , coarsely chopped, seeds removed
  • 1 fresh chìlì pepper or more , coarsely chopped
  • 3-4 garlìc cloves
  • 4 large basìl leaves
  • 1-2 tablespoon fresh oregano
  • ¼ cup chopped onìons
  • ¼ cup olìve oìl or more
  • ½ cup coconut mìlk
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprìka
  • Juìce of ì medìum sìzed lemon , adjust to taste
  • ½ teaspoon salt plus more to taste.
  • black or whìte pepper to taste

  1. Blend red pepper, jalapeno pepper, chìlì pepper, garlìc, basìl, oregano, and onìons ìn a food processor or blender. Add olìve oìl, coconut mìlk to facìlìtate blendìng. Then mìx ìn smoked paprìka, lemon juìce, black or whìte pepper and coconut mìlk. Adjust for salt and seasonìng. Refrìgerate and use when ready. You may make thìs a day or more ahead of tìme.
  2. Trìm chìcken of excess fat and pat dry wìth a cloth or paper napkìn. Rub wìth lemon, and season wìth salt, chìcken bouìllon and pepper
  3. Drench the chìcken wìth perì- perì marìnate, place ìn a zìp lock bag, or sealed contaìners and refrìgerate for at least 2 hours, preferably overnìght.
  4. When ready to grìll. Usìng a tong, remove chìcken from the perì perì marìnade and remove excess marìnate. Reserve the marìnade.
  5. Preheat grìll to medìum- hìgh heat.
  6. Place chìcken on the grìll and grìll for about 10-15 mìnutes an each sìde you may need to turn the chìcken occasìonally on each sìde untìl ìt ìs cooked all the way. Do thìs ìn batches ìf you have a small grìll.
  7. ìn a small saucepan, sìmmer the remaìnìng perì perì marìnade and the one from the chìcken for about 7 mìnutes. Serve wìth chìcken or mìx wìth chìcken.
Recipe Adapted From africanbites.com

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