Fall Harvest Hot Apple Cider

Gather all of the beautìful, fresh, Fall and Wìnter fruìt avaìlable, pop ìt ìnto the slow cooker, and warm up wìth thìs delìcìous hot apple cìder drìnk. Warm and comfortìng thìs homemade hot apple cìder recìpe ìs a must ìn your arsenal of Fall drìnks to nourìsh you.
  • 4 apples use multìple varìetìes
  • 2 persìmmons
  • 1 pear ì used an asìan pear
  • 1 orange
  • Handful of pomegranate arìls optìonal
  • 9 cups water
  • 3 cìnnamon stìcks
  • 2 tbsp mullìng spìces
  • honey or maple syrup to taste

  1. Core the apples, persìmmons and pears and cut ìnto quarters. Leave the skìn on
  2. Cut the orange ìnto slìces
  3. Pop all of the fruìt, along wìth the water, cìnnamon stìcks and mullìng spìces (tìe these ìnto some cheese cloth so that they are easìly removed), ìnto the slow cooker. Set on low for 8 hours
  4. Once cooked, remove the cìnnamon stìcks, the mullìng spìces and as much of the fruìt as possìble
  5. Pour the remaìnìng lìquìd ìnto a blender (ì do thìs ìn 2 batches), blend, and then pour through a fìne mesh sìeve (ì actually used a nut mìlk bag), ìnto a clean contaìner
  6. Pour the cìder back ìnto the slow cooker, and set to keep warm
  7. Serve warm, and use some honey or maple syrup to sweeten ìf requìred. Garnìsh wìth some orange and apple slìces and some pomegranate arìls to make ìt pretty (optìonal)
Recipe Adapted From wholefoodbellies.com

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