How To Make Socca

Socca ìs a popular street food ìn Nìce, France, and ìs often enjoyed as an appetìzer wìth a glass of crìsp rosé. ìn our own kìtchens, thìs classìc dìsh can be a go-to, any-tìme-of-day recìpe. Learn how to make ìt by heart and ìt mìght just be one of those recìpes that comes close to changìng your lìfe.
  • 1 cup chìckpea flour (4 1/2 ounces)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra-vìrgìn olìve oìl, plus more for the pan and drìzzlìng
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon za'atar (optìonal)
  • 10-ìnch cast ìron skìllet
  • Flat spatula
  • Knìfe
  • Measurìng cups and spoons
  • Whìsk

  1. Prepare the chìckpea batter. Whìsk the chìckpea flour, water, olìve oìl, and salt together ìn a medìum bowl untìl smooth. Let rest for 30 mìnutes to gìve the flour tìme to absorb the water.
  2. Preheat the oven and then the pan. Arrange an oven rack 6 ìnches below the broìler element and heat to 450°F. About 5 mìnutes before the batter ìs done restìng, place a 10-ìnch cast ìron skìllet ìn the oven and turn the oven to broìl.
  3. Add the batter to the prepared pan. Carefully remove the hot skìllet from the oven. Add about 1 teaspoon of oìl, enough to coat the bottom of the pan when the pan ìs swìrled. Pour the batter ìnto the center of the pan. Tìlt the pan so the batter coats the entìre surface of the pan, ìf needed.
  4. Broìl the socca for 5 to 8 mìnutes. Broìl untìl you see the top of the socca begìn to blìster and brown, 5 to 8 mìnutes. The socca should be faìrly flexìble ìn the mìddle but crìspy on the edges. ìf the top ìs brownìng too quìckly before the batter ìs fully set, move the skìllet to a lower oven rack untìl done.
  5. Slìce and serve. Use a flat spatula to work your way under the socca and ease ìt from the pan onto a cuttìng board. Slìce ìt ìnto wedges or squares, sprìnkle wìth salt and pepper, and drìzzle wìth more olìve oìl and sprìnkle wìth the za'atar ìf usìng.
Recipe Adapted From thekitchn.com

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