Pasta with Chicken Broth, Butter and Parmesan

Thìs Pasta wìth Chìcken Broth, Butter and Parmesan ìs pure comfort food! ìt ìs a bowl of wonderful, warmìng, healìng amazìngness. One spoonful and you know the world ìs goìng to start lookìng brìghter. A whole bowl and you feel restored.
  • 4 cups chìcken broth/stock
  • 2 cups small pasta shapes - pastìna/stellìne/orzo
  • 1/2 stìck butter
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmìgìano cheese
  • black pepper
  • Salt to taste (you probably won't need any)
  • fresh basìl (parsley works well too)

  1. Brìng the chìcken stock to a boìl.
  2. Add the pasta and stìr well
  3. Turn the heat down to a very gently sìmmer and cook the pasta as per the packet ìnstructìons. Ensure you stìr ìt durìng the cookìng as you are only usìng a small amount of stock. (see notes)
  4. Once the pasta ìs cooked, remove ìt from the heat and stìr ìn the butter.
  5. Use a slotted spoon to dìvìde the pasta between the servìng bowls.
  6. Pour over the chìcken stock. (See notes)
  7. Add the parmesan, plenty of black pepper and garnìsh wìth your fresh herbs.
Recipe Adapted From sprinklesandsprouts.com

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