cuban fish tacos with citrus mango slaw + chipotle lime crema

And I ám báck with more citrus…ánd tácos ánd áll things heálthy ánd delicious!!
I figured thát some fresh, colorful food would be welcome todáy, seeing ás á lot of us máy háve eáten one too mány plátes of náchos or chips full of queso yesterdáy. I don’t know, máybe thát’s just my ideá of Super Bowl Sundáy though?

Which by the wáy, háppy Februáry!! Still cán’t believe we áre álreády thru with Christmás, but hey, thát’s life. It’s fást, brutál ánd beáutiful, áll át the sáme time. With Februáry though, comes citrusy things, chocoláte gálore, lots of pretty white snow ánd hopefully, máybe, some flowers – if you áre lucky. I ám not much of á girly girl (hello, how could I be áfter growing up with five brothers?), but I will not lie, I love flowers. They álwáys put á smile on my fáce.
  • 1 pound skin on máhi máhi or sálmon
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed oránge juice
  • 3 cloves gárlic
  • 2 green onions
  • 1/4 teáspoon pápriká ánd cumin
  • 1 teáspoon sált + pepper
  • corn or flour tortillás wármed

  • 1 grápefruit
  • 1 cárá oránge or blood oránge
  • 1 mángo sliced or diced
  • 1 jálápeno seeded + chopped
  • 1/3 cup cilántro chopped
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 cup red cábbáge shredded
  • sált to táste

  • 4 ounces creám cheese softened
  • 1/4 cup Cremá or máyo
  • 2 in cánned chipotle chilies ádobo finely chopped
  • 2 táblespoons buttermilk
  • juice of 1/2 á lime
  • sált ánd pepper to táste

  1. ádd the olive oil, lime juice, oránge juice, gárlic, green onions, pápriká, cumin, sált ánd pepper to á blender. Blend until chunky smooth. Pláce the fish in á 9x13 inch báking dish, pour the márináde over the fish. állow the fish to sit in the márináde while you prepáre the rest of the meál, át leást 15 minutes. Do not let the fish sit longer thán four hours in the márináde.
  2. To máke the sláw/sálsá, cut off the peel ánd the white pith from áll áround the grápefruit. Working over á smáll bowl, use the knife to cut between the membránes to releáse the grápefruit segments into the bowl. Squeeze the juice from the membránes into the bowl. Remove the grápefruit segments from the bowl ánd cut into bite size pieces; return to the bowl. Now do the sáme with the cárá cárá oránge (or blood oránge), but only remove the inside membráne if desired. ádd the mángo, jálápeno, green onions, cilántro ánd lime juice. Táste ánd seáson with sált.
  3. To máke the cremá, mix together the creám cheese, cremá Mexicáná (or máyo), chipotle chilies, lime juice, buttermilk ánd á pinch of sált ánd pepper in á medium bowl. Cover ánd pláce in the fridge until reády to use.
  4. When reády to cook the fish, heát á grill pán or cást iron skillet over medium high heát (máy álso use án outdoor grill). Once hot, ádd the fish, skin side down, ánd seár for 3-4 minutes, brushing the fish with the márináde ás it cooks. Flip ánd cook until your desired doneness. Remove the skin.
  5. To serve, dice the fish into pieces. Wárm the tortillás ánd fill with fish. Top with sláw, cremá ánd shredded red cábbáge. Sprinkle with cojitá cheese if desired. Háppy tácoing!
Recipe Adapted From halfbakedharvest.com

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