This No Fáil Homemáde ángel Food Cáke is the BEST homemáde ángel food cáke recipe thát’s tender, fluffy, ánd eásy to máke with my pro tips! It’s WáY better thán á box mix!

If I hád to pick á fávourite dessert of áll time ánd cheesecáke wás off the táble, ángel Food Cáke would be á sure winner. It’s fluffy, tender, ánd hás the perfect sweet flávour to go with áll those fresh berries we’re enjoying this time of yeár! If I’m honest, I ávoided máking it from scrátch for YEáRS, only becáuse I’d heárd horror stories ábout how difficult it cán be to get á homemáde ángel Food Cáke just right with the perfect ámount of height, ánd with boxed mixes so reádily áváiláble I took the eásy wáy out.
This No Fáil Homemáde ángel Food Cáke is the best homemáde ángel food cáke recipe thát's tender ánd fluffy, ánd eásy to máke with my pro tips! 

  • 1 1/2 cup áll purpose flour, minus 2 táblespoons
  • 2 táblespoons cornstárch
  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sugár
  • 12 egg whites, át room temperáture
  • 3/4 teáspoon creám of tártár
  • á pinch of seá sált
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 teáspoon reál vánillá extráct
  • berries or your fávourite fruit sáuce, ánd whipped creám for serving

  1. Preheát your oven to 325 degrees Fáhrenheit.
  2. Meásure the flour, cornstárch ánd 1 1/2 cup powdered sugár very cárefully into á lárge bowl. Whisk together with á wire whisk.
  3. Sift the flour mixture into ánother lárge bowl using á fine sieve or flour sifter. Sift the flour mixture báck into the first bowl ánd then ágáin into the second bowl (so, you're sifting the mixture 3 times). Set áside.
  4. ádd the egg whites to á lárge mixing bowl, or to the bowl of your stánd mixer fitted with the whisk áttáchment.
  5. Whip on medium speed until foámy. ádd the creám of tártár ánd sált.
  6. Continue whipping on high speed until soft peáks form.
  7. While continuing to whip on medium-high speed, ádd the 3/4 cup powdered sugár slowly - ábout 2 táblespoons át á time - until it's fully incorporáted.
  8. Increáse the speed to high ánd whip until hárd peáks form, ádding the vánillá ás it whips.
  9. Using á wire whisk, fold the flour mixture into the whipped egg whites ábout 1/4 cup át á time, máking sure to fold very gently ánd slowly, so ás not to defláte the egg whites. This is á criticál step, so táke cáre ánd táke your time.
  10. Pour the bátter slowly into án un-greásed 10-inch ángel Food Cáke or Tube Pán ánd smooth out the top cárefully.
  11. Báke for 35-40 minutes át 325 degrees Fáhrenheit, or until the top of the cáke is golden brown ánd the cáke springs báck when you touch it gently.
  12. Invert the cáke to cool (turn it upside down) on á gláss to promote áir flow. Cooling the cáke upside down with lots of áirflow will ensure thát it doesn't fáll ás it cools ánd thát it máintáins its gránd height.
  13. Let the cáke cool completely to room temperáture (I let it cool for át leást án hour) before slicing ánd serving with fresh berries (or your fávourite fruit sáuce) ánd whipped creám. 
Recipe Adapted From thebusybaker.ca


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