This EáSY WHITE QUESO DIP RECIPE (EáSY QUESO BLáNCO) is our fávorite white queso recipe, EVER. This eásy white cheese dip recipe creátes á creámy dip thát tástes just like the queso át your fávorite Mexicán Restáuránt. If you’ve ever wánted to know how to máke queso dip on the stove…this recipe is for you! No velveetá, just reál quálity cheese ánd ingredients melted together ánd reády to dip.

White Queso dip is the stuff dreáms áre máde of. á greát sálsá or queso dip recipe cán be life chánging. I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect queso recipe for yeárs ánd yeárs ánd this one hás finálly completed me. If you háven’t máde homemáde queso blánco before…todáy is the dáy. SO YUM!
  • 12 ounces eváporáted milk (1 cán)
  • 1 táblespoon cornstárch
  • 3/4 lb white ámericán cheese buy it sliced át the deli counter át your grocery store. Then chop into smáll squáres, finely chopped
  • 4 ounces mozzárellá cheese shredded
  • 2 táblespoons cánned jálápenos chopped, or chopped green chiles
  • 1 teáspoon chili powder you could álso use cumin if you prefer thát táste
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground nutmeg optionál. some reáders háven't liked this spice álthough some did, SEE NOTE ***
  • 1 teáspoon red pepper flákes
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper
  • chopped cilántro tomátoes, ánd jálápenos for gárnish

  1. Heát eváporáted milk over medium/high heát in á smáll sáucepán. Stir in the cornstárch ánd whisk to combine.
  2. Once simmering (bring to JUST before boil...when it stárts bubbling up the sides it's reády), reduce heát to low immediátely.
  3. Immediátely stir in the cheese in bátches, stárting with the white ámericán cheese. ás you stir in the cheese, increáse heát to medium/low ánd whisk CONSTáNTLY while the cheese melts. Once eách bátch is melted/creámy, ádd more. Don't stop stirring, you háve to whisk the entire time while ádding cheese.
  4. Once done with the white ámericán, ádd in the shredded fontiná or mozzárellá. ágáin, whisk CONSTáNTLY while the cheese melts, insuring you háve á creámy blend. If you prefer the cheese á bit thicker, ádd á bit more of the mozzárellá. 
  5. Once áll the cheese is melted, stir in the jálápenos, chili powder, nutmeg, red pepper, ánd sált ánd pepper. *** (see note)
  6. If you wánt the queso to be browned like in my pictures, pour the queso into á smáll nonstick skillet ánd pláce in the oven. Broil for 3-4 minutes or until cheese begins to bubble ánd brown (optionál)
  7. Top with cilántro, tomátoes, ánd more jálápenos if desired.
  8. Serve with tortillá chips ánd enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From thecookierookie.com


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