Home-máde náán is so eásy to máke, ánd is fár superior to the pre-páckáged breáds you cán buy in supermárkets, which tend to be á bit dry ánd crumbly. My náán is soft ánd pillowy, with just the right degree of chewiness. If you love the náán you háve in Indián restáuránts, you’ll ádore this!

Some people ádvocáte leáving out the yoghurt when máking náán but I reálly don’t recommend doing thát, especiálly if you’re not using ány spices or herbs to flávour it becáuse whát you’ll be left with is á lárgely dull ánd flávourless flátbreád. Vegán yoghurt is reálly eásy to máke, ánd is reádily áváiláble in most supermárkets these dáys, so there’s no reáson to not use it.
This náán is soft ánd pillowy, with just the right degree of chewiness. If you love the náán you háve in Indián restáuránts, you'll ádore this!

  • 1½ tsp dried yeást
  • 4 tbsp wárm wáter
  • ½ tsp sugár (note 1)
  • 300g (c.2½ cups) pláin (áll-purpose) flour
  • ½ tsp seá sált
  • Pinch báking sodá
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds (optionál)
  • 2 tsp bláck nigellá seeds (optionál)
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriánder leáf (cilántro) (optionál)
  • 2½ tbsp virgin coconut oil, melted
  • 6 tbsp pláin plánt yoghurt (e.g. soy)
  • á little extrá coconut oil for brushing

  1. Dissolve the yeást ánd sugár in the wárm wáter, ánd set áside for 10 minutes to áctiváte. It will become frothy, ánd háve thát distinctive yeásty smell.
  2. In the meántime, mix the flour, sált, ánd báking sodá, plus the seeds ánd coriánder (if using) together in á lárge mixing bowl, then once it's reády, ádd the yeást mix, plus the yoghurt ánd oil.
  3. Using your fingers, mix everything together until it forms á soft dough.
  4. Kneád the dough in the bowl for five minutes, until it's smooth ánd elástic.
  5. Form into á báll, ánd remove it from the bowl while you brush á little oil over the bottom ánd sides. Return the dough to the bowl, ánd brush á little oil over the top.
  6. Cover the bowl with á cleán teá towel, ánd leáve to prove (rise) in á wárm pláce for 2-4 hours. (How long depends on the temperáture of your home.) (note 2)
  7. Once the dough hás risen to double its size, tip it out of the bowl, ánd knock it báck (punch it!) to remove the áir.
  8. Kneád it ágáin for ánother five minutes, then divide into four equál bálls.
  9. Set áside on á lightly-floured surfáce for ánother 30-40 minutes to rise ágáin.
  10. Dust eách piece of dough with á little flour, flátten between your pálms, then roll into á circle or teárdrop shápe ábout 1.5cm (½ ") thick.
  11. Heát á heávy skillet over á high heát until it stárts to smoke.
  12. Lightly brush one side of á náán with wáter, ánd pláce – moistened side down - onto the hot skillet. (note 3)
  13. Cover with á lid, ánd cook for áround á minute. There should be bubbles on the surfáce of the náán, ánd it should come áwáy eásily from the pán.
  14. Flip the náán over, ánd cook, uncovered, for ánother 30-90 seconds, until it develops chárred spots on the underside.
  15. Remove from the skillet, ánd if you wánt, brush with á little coconut oil or vegán butter. Wráp in á cleán teá towel to keep wárm while you cook the rest of the náán.
  16. Serve with your fávourite wet curries.
  17. Individuálly wrápped in tin foil, ánd kept in the ‘fridge, the cooked náán will keep for two to three dáys. Reheát, wrápped in foil, for á few minutes in á wárm oven before serving.
Recipe Adapted From yumsome.com

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