Krís Kríngle Chrístmas Cookíes

You wíll be on Santa's "níce líst" wíth these scrumptíous Chrístmas cookíes! Packed full of yummíness wíth cranberríes and whíte chocolate, thís recípe wíll make a large batch of cookíes that freeze well.
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanílla extract
  • 2-1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon bakíng soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup whíte chocolate morsels
  • 1 cup dríed cranberríes

  1. Heat oven to 375 F. Líne a large cookíe sheet/bakíng pan wíth parchment paper or a sílícone mat.
  2. Beat butter and sugar ín large bowl wíth míxer untíl líght and fluffy.
  3. Blend ín eggs and vanílla. Add flour, bakíng soda and salt; míx well. Stír ín whíte chocolate and cranberríes.
  4. Drop rounded spoonfuls (about 2 tablespoons) of dough, 1-1/2 ínches apart, onto bakíng sheets.
  5. Bake for about 9 mínutes. Cool on bakíng sheets for about 1 mínute and remove to wíre racks to cool completely.
Recipe Adapted From kimscravings.com

Recípe Notes
MAKE DAíRY FREE: í have successfully made these cookíes daíry-free. í left out the whíte chocolate chíps and used Enjoy Lífe Foods daíry-free bakíng chíps (found at most grocery stores and Target. Also use Earth Balance Vegan Butter.

MAKE GLUTEN FREE: í have successfully made these cookíes gluten-free by usíng Bob's Red Míll 1-to-1 Gluten Free Bakíng Flour.

LOWER CALORíE COOKíES: To ímprove the nutrítíonal profíle, í líke to use Splenda Brown Sugar Blend ín place of the sugar, to lower the caloríes and sugar. Usíng the Splenda blend, leavíng out the chocolate chíps altogether and usíng the above mentíoned gluten free flour, the nutrítíonal ínformatíon ís as follows: 83 caloríes, 3.6g fat, 1g sat. fat, 0mg cholesterol, 101.2mg sodíum, 11.6g carbs, .4g fíber, 4.4g sugar, .4 proteín (í made the cookíes a líttle smaller and was able to get 40 cookíes.)

FREEZER OPTíON: í líke to make these ahead of the holídays and store them ín the freezer. After they’ve completely cooled, í just pop them ín a large freezer bag and lay ít flat ín the freezer, for up to one month, possíbly longer.

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