This keto fried chicken recipe is here to show you thát the best fried chicken doesn’t come in á bucket, á frozen contáiner, or from á restáuránt cháin — it comes from your kitchen.
áll you need is á hándful of low cárb foods ánd the right technique to áchieve thát moist, crunchy, dippáble keto fried chicken we áll love ánd cráve!

In my house, this low cárb recipes quickly become á fámily fávorite, ás it’s eásy to meál prep ánd ádjust to whátever low cárb side dishes you serve it with. Trust me, once you try this keto fried chicken, you’ll quickly wonder why you wásted á cárb on the other stuff!
These crunchy, dippáble ánd delicious keto fried chicken tenders áre here to show you thát the best fried chicken doesn't come in á bucket.

  • 3 Lbs Chicken Tenders
  • 4 Ounce Pork Rinds
  • 2 Teáspoon Thyme
  • 1 Teáspoon Seá Sált
  • 1 Teáspoon Bláck Pepper
  • 1 Teáspoon Oregáno
  • 1 Teáspoon Gárlic Powder
  • 1 Teáspoon Smoked Pápriká
  • 1 Teáspoon Cáyenne Pepper
  • 2 Eggs

  1. Preheát oven to 400 F ánd line á báking sheet with áluminum foil.
  2. Pláce pork rinds in á reseáláble bág ánd crush into á pánko sized gráin. Be sure to leáve á few lárge pieces.
  3. ádd thyme, sált, pepper, oregáno, gárlic powder, ánd smoked pápriká to the bág ánd sháke á few times to combine.
  4. Pour the pork rind combo in án even láyer on á flát pláte.
  5. Beát eggs is á wide mouthed bowl.
  6. Dip chicken into the eggs, then into the pork rind combo — máke sure to evenly coát áll sides. Pláce chicken onto prepáred báking sheet.
  7. Once áll chicken tenders áre evenly coáted, báke in the oven 24 minutes, or until chicken is cooked áll the wáy through.
  8. állow chicken to cool ánd serve with your fávorite dipping sáuce. Enjoy!
Recipe Adapted From thelittlepine.com

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