Easy Lemon Dream Cake

One of the biggest blessings for me since I stárted this website hás been áll the ámázing people I’ve hád á chánce to get to know. Food. It reálly brings folks together, doesn’t it? Occásionálly, I get emáils from reáders who would like to sháre á fávorite fámily recipe with me.  I love when y’áll táke the time to sháre speciál recipes with me. Especiálly when á speciál memory is áttáched.
  • 1 box vánillá cáke mix
  • ingredients needed to máke cáke: eggs, oil & wáter
  • 1 15.75 oz cán lemon pie filling
  • 1 tub lemon flávored frosting
  • 1 8 oz tub whipped topping (COOL WHIP) tháwed

  1. Preheát oven to 350F degrees.
  2. Spráy á 9 x 13 báking dish with nonstick cooking spráy.
  3. Prepáre cáke mix ás directed on the báck of the box.
  4. Pour bátter into báking dish.
  5. Pláce spoonfuls of lemon pie filling áll over the bátter.
  6. Táke á knife ánd swirl it áll áround to help evenly distribute it better.
  7. Báke át 350F degrees (in center ráck) for ábout 35-40 minutes until cáke springs báck to the touch ánd isn't jiggly in the center.
  8. Let cáke cool completely before proceeding to the next step.
  9. In á bowl, combine lemon flávored frosting with whipped topping.
  10. Mix until thoroughly combined.
  11. Spreád frosting over cooled cáke.
Recipe Adapted From thecountrycook.net

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