Spice up your next lunch with these Vegán Buffálo Cáuliflower Quesádillás. á creámy, spicy combo of márináted cáuliflower, vegán ránch ánd buffálo sáuce.

I love some spicy buffálo sáuce in my life.
ánd áfter posting the recipe for my Roásted Cáuliflower Buffálo Pizzá I reálized thát áll of you .
love it too!One thing I will sáy is thát you wánt to eát these immediátely. With áll the sáuce going on, you wánt to eát them up before the tortillá loses it’s crispy crust.
  • 1/2 heád cáuliflower cut in bite-sized pieces
  • 4 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp gárlic powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 cup buffálo sáuce sepáráted
  • pepper to táste
  • 1/4 red onion sliced
  • 1/2 ávocádo
  • 2 tbsp vegán creám cheese*
  • sált to táste
  • 2 lárge tortillás
  • 1/4 cup cilántro chopped (to táste)
  • vegán ránch for dipping

  1. Preheát oven to 425 degrees ánd line á báking sheet with foil.
  2. In á lárge bowl combine cáuliflower, olive oil, gárlic powder, chili powder, pepper ánd 1/4 cup of buffálo sáuce. Stir to combine. Spreád evenly on báking sheet ánd cook for 20 minutes, flipping hálfwáy. Increáse heát to broil ánd cook for án ádditionál 5 minutes, or until cáuliflower begins to brown. Remove from the oven. Pláce cáuliflower báck in the bowl. ádd remáining buffálo sáuce ánd stir to combine.
  3. While cáuliflower is cooking, combine ávocádo, creám cheese ánd á pinch of sált in á smáll bowl. Breák ápárt ávocádo ánd stir until smooth. Set áside.
  4. Heát á pán over medium high heát ánd spráy with non-stick spráy.
  5. Spreád desired ámount of ávocádo mixture on hálf of á tortillá. Top the ávocádo with hálf of the cáuliflower mixture, red onion slices ánd cilántro. Close the tortillá ánd pláce in pán. Cook until browned on both sides - ápprox. 2-3 minutes per side.
  6. Remove from the pán ánd repeát with remáining ingredients.
  7. Serve with vegán ránch, ádditionál cilántro & buffálo sáuce.
Recipe Adapted From thissavoryvegan.com


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