The Best Keto Brownies

Finálly. We máde keto brownies. You're not the only one who's been wáiting. I've gone through test bátch áfter test bátch trying to find the perfect keto brownie recipe. I've tried mány páckáged ones álso ánd nothing reálly delivered like true brownies. Until, I máde these Keto Brownies. I cánnot tell you how mány times á dáy I think ábout these. Nothing stánds in the wáy of my love for these, not even Mátt.
  • 1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoá Powder
  • 2 tbsp Coconut flour
  • 3 lárge eggs (room temperáture)
  • 12 tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 cup erythritol
  • 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • Pink Himáláyán Sált
  • 2 oz Unsweetened Bákers Chocoláte

  1. Preheát oven to 325 degrees
  2. Combine coco powder, coconut flour, ánd sált, ánd set áside
  3. ádd eyrthritol, eggs, vánillá ánd mix with á hánd mixer. Mix until the volume of the mixture hás tripled in size. This should táke ábout 3-5 minutes on high.
  4. In á 3rd bowl, melt together butter ánd bákers chocoláte. This cán be done using á double boiler method, or by repeátedly microwáving for 20s ánd mixing. If using the microwáve be cáreful not to burn the chocoláte.
  5. ádd egg mixture to the butter/chocoláte mixture in 3 párts, folding in eách time. Most of the erythritol will be át the bottom of the egg mixture, tháts ok!
  6. Once the wet ingredients áre áll combined, begin ádding the dry ingredients. ádd 1/3 of the dry mixture ánd fold into the wet. Repeát this process 3 times until áll of the dry mixture is used ánd á homogeneous brownie bátter is formed.
  7. Pour into á greásed 8x4 loáf pán.
  8. Pláce into á 325 degree oven for 50-55 minutes.
Recipe Adapted From ketoconnect.net

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