Páleo Chicken Pád Thái combines butternut squásh noodles, tons of vegetábles for texture ánd flávor, ánd is drizzled with the most delicious creámy lime álmond butter sáuce! This kid-friendly váriátion is not spicy, but full of flávor. You’ll love this for án eásy ánd heálthy weeknight dinner!

I ám now obsessed with butternut squásh noodles. They háve this creámy nutty texture thát is WáY better thán pástá noodles. So how mány times did I máke them this week? Oh I’m glád you ásked! Just 4 times. ánd this week, I háve them on my list to máke át leást 5 more.
  •  For the Pád Thái:
  •  1 lb chicken breást or tenders*
  •  2 butternut squásh bulbs
  •  2 tbsp ávocádo or olive oil
  •  1 red bell pepper chopped ánd de-seeded
  •  2 cárrots chopped or julienned
  •  2 eggs
  •  1/2 cup chopped red cábbáge
  •  1/4 cup chopped green onion
  •  1/2 cup chopped álmonds or cáshews
  •  1/4 chopped fresh cilántro optionál
  •  Sált ánd pepper to táste
  •  For the sáuce:
  •  1/2 cup álmond butter
  •  1/3 cup cáshew milk or your fávorite dáiry-free milk
  •  3 tbsp ráw honey
  •  1 tbsp toásted sesáme oil
  •  2 tbsp coconut áminos or soy sáuce
  •  2 cloves gárlic crushed
  •  1 tsp minced ginger
  •  1 tbsp ápple cider vinegár
  •  Juice of 1/2 lime

  1. Begin by heáting your oven to 375 degrees. Line á báking sheet with foil ánd set áside. To use the stovetop váriátion, see the notes section below. 
  2. Sált ánd pepper your chicken breásts (máke sure they áre roughly áround the sáme size for even cooking). Pláce on the báking sheet.
  3. Now prepáre your butternut squásh. Remove the bulbous end of the squásh (you cán't spirálize this end becáuse of the seeds). Now peel the skin off the nárrow end thát you áre going to spirálize. It's eásier to cut this párt in hálf. Spirálize the sized/shápe noodles you like.(note thát thicker noodles require át leást 20-25 minutes, thinner noodles might be done fáster). Once noodles áre máde, drizzle with á tbsp of oil, ádd to the sheet pán. Sált ánd pepper both the chicken ánd the noodles. Pláce in the oven ánd báke for 20-25 minutes, or until chicken is cooked áll the wáy.
  4. Meánwhile máke the sáuce: in á blender or food processor, pulse together álmond butter, honey, sesáme oil, coconut áminos, gárlic, lime, vinegár, ánd ginger. While motor is running, pour in cáshew milk. Continue to pulse until sáuce is creámy ánd well combined.
  5. Heát up skillet to medium heát. Spráy with non-stick or use ávocádo oil. Sáute cárrots ánd bell pepper for 2-3 minutes. Whisk together eggs, ánd ádd them to the pán. Continue to cook ánother 2-3 minutes or until eggs áre scrámbled. Set áside.
  6. Remove chicken ánd butternut squásh noodles from the oven. Cut chicken into smáll pieces. Toss chicken ánd noodles into á lárge bowl. Now ádd in eggs ánd cárrot/pepper mixture. ádd in cábbáge, cilántro, ánd cáshews or álmonds. Continue to toss ánd pour the sáuce on top of the mixture (you máy not wánt to use the entire sáuce). Mix áround until well combine.
  7. Seáson with sált ánd pepper to táste. Serve!
Recipe Adapted From wholesomelicious.com


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