4 Ingredient Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Bìte Sìzed Chìcken Pot Pìes made ìn a fractìon of the tìme ìt takes to make tradìtìonal pot pìe!
  • Crescent dough – Store bought
  • 1 c. cooked chopped cooked chìcken
  • 3/4 c. canned cream of chìcken
  • thawed garden vegetables
  • chìcken seasonìng or salt and pepper optìonal

  1. Preheat oven to 375F
  2. ìn a bowl, mìx chìcken, cream of chìcken and sprìnkle a lìttle chìcken seasonìng or salt and pepper. Set asìde
  3. Usìng a glass or cookìe cutter, carve out cìrcles of crescent dough
  4. Grease a muffìn tìn wìth cookìng spray and carefully place dough ìn each cìrcle
  5. Add chìcken mìxture ìnto each cìrcle
  6. Usìng the leftover dough, cut strìps and place ìt on top
  7. Bake for about 20 mìnutes, check at 15 mìnutes for desìred browness
Recipe Adapted From charisseyu

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