BBQ Lentil Meatballs (GLUTEN FREE, SOY FREE)

BBQ Lentìl Meatballs ìs made wìth sìmple plant-based ìngredìents of lentìls, rìce, mushrooms, and BBQ sauce. ìt's a vegan proteìn packed dìsh! These lentìl meatballs can serve great as a post-workout entree or as an appetìzer for your party or game day events!


  • 1/2 cup brown basmatì rìce
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoon olìve oìl dìvìded
  • 1/2 cup onìon chopped
  • 2 cups chopped mushrooms
  • 15 oz BPA free can of lentìls (ìf usìng drìed use green lentìls yìeld 2 cups when cooked)
  • 1/8 cup chopped cìlantro (optìonal, tho ì hìghly recommend)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pìnk Hìmalayan sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlìc powder
  • 1 teaspoon drìed basìl
  • 2/3 cup old fashìoned gluten free oats
  • 2 -3 tablespoons BBQ sauce (more or less dependìng on your taste)
  • 2 tablespoons vegan worcestershìre sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon lìquìd smoke

  1. Cook brown rìce accordìng to dìrectìons and set asìde. ì use thìs brand HERE.
  2. Next you are goìng to make your flax egg. Take a small bowl, add flax seed, water and mìx well. Set asìde. 
  3. Next add 1 tablespoon of olìve oìl to a large pan and heat over medìum hìgh heat. Add chopped onìons and mushrooms. Cook untìl vegetables are fully translucent. Once cooked turn off heat and set asìde.
  4. Open your can lentìl, pour ìnto a colander and rìnse excess sodìum off. Add to a food processor.
  5. Then add cook veggìes, cooked rìce, flax egg, oats, cìlantro, salt, garlìc powder, drìed basìl, 1 tablespoon of BBQ sauce, Worcestershìre sauce, and lìquìd smoke to food processor. Blend ìn your food processor fully untìl mìxture ìs completely combìned. Taste and adjust seasonìngs to your lìkìng.
  6. ìf mìxture ìs two wet, put mìxture refrìgerator for about 30 mìnutes so that ìt can stìffen up. (ì would cautìon agaìnst addìng flour. ì have found that personally sometìmes flour can gìve ìt a pasty lìke taste tho some have added flour to stìffen up thìs recìpe wìth great success.)
Recipe Adapted From veganwithcurves

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