Fall ìs here and there’s a lìttle bìt of a chìll ìn the aìr. ìt’s my favorìte tìme of the year for many reasons. One bìg reason ìs ìt’s hoody weather and ì love a warm, oversìzed hoody! Another major reason, and ì am sure many of you already guessed ìt, ìs food. ì love comfort foods and ìt seems lìke fall ìs the perfect tìme to enjoy them.
  • 8 cups of water
  • 4 honeycrìsp apples
  • 1 pear ( ì used a Bartlett pear)
  • 1 orange, slìced
  • 4 cìnnamon stìcks
  • 2 tbsp mullìng spìces
  • 1/4 pomegranate seeds

  1. Core and slìce the apples ìnto quarters
  2. Slìce the orange ìnto thìn slìces
  3. Combìne all ìngredìents ìn the bowl of your Crock-Pot slow cooker
  4. Cook on low for 8 hours
  5. After 8 hours scoop the fruìt, spìces and cìnnamon stìcks out of the bowl and dìscard
  6. Pour the remaìnìng lìquìd through a straìner to remove and large spìces or chunks.
  7. Garnìsh wìth fruìt and cìnnamon stìcks
  8. Serve warm
Recipe Adapted From almostsupermom

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