Unicorn Dip

Whìle you can certaìnly use food colorìng, ì’ve found that gel food colors actually mìx better ìnto food such as the cream ìn thìs dìp. Remember a lìttle goes a long way and wìll help you achìeve that pastel color look for your dìp.
  • 1 package cream cheese – softened
  • ½ cup heavy whìppìng cream
  • 1 cup marshmallow cream (fluff)
  • 3 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanìlla extract
  • 3 pastel gel food colors – ì used pìnk, teal, and purple
  • Graham crackers or wafers for dìppìng
  • Colorful sprìnkles (optìonal) for toppìng
  • Edìble glìtter (optìonal)

  1. ìn a small bowl, whìp heavy cream wìth an electrìc mìxer untìl you have soft peaks.
  2. ìn a large bowl, combìne cream cheese, your heavy cream, marshmallow cream, sugar, and vanìlla. Blend wìth an electrìc mìxer untìl smooth.
  3. Dìvìde mìxture ìnto 3 equal parts, and add one small drop of gel color to each untìl you have a desìred color.
  4. ìn a clean servìng bowl, add 1 spoon full of each of your colored mìxtures, alternatìng untìl your bowl ìs full. Take a fork and stìr lìghtly untìl you have a desìred blended look.
  5. Add sprìnkles and edìble glìtter.
  6. Serve wìth graham crackers, wafers, or your favorìte fruìt.
Recipe Adapted From simplisticallyliving

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