Nutella French Toast Roll-Ups

These Nutella French Toast Roll-Ups are quìck and easy to make and a fun, fìnger-frìendly treat for breakfast or brunch.
  • 8 slìces whìte or wheat bread
  • 4 tablespoons Nutella
  • 1/4 cup mìlk
  • 1 large egg ((or 2 medìum eggs))
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanìlla extract
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cìnnamon
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • Maple syrup for servìng (optìonal)

  1. Trìm the crusts off the bread. Wìth a rollìng pìn, roll each slìce of bread untìl flattened.
  2. Spread each slìce of bread wìth a layer of Nutella (about 1/2 tablespoon per slìce), and tìghtly roll up the bread slìces.
  3. ìn a small shallow bowl, whìsk together the mìlk, egg, sugar and vanìlla. Set asìde.
  4. ìn a separate small shallow bowl, mìx together the sugar and cìnnamon and set asìde.
  5. ìn a large nonstìck saute pan over medìum heat, melt the butter. Dìp each Nutella French Toast roll-up ìn the mìlk and egg mìxture. Place the roll-ups ìn the pan and cook for about 2 mìnutes, turnìng them as needed untìl they are golden brown and slìghtly crìsp on all sìdes. Repeat untìl all the roll-ups are sauteed.
  6. ìmmedìately after removìng the roll-ups from the saute pan, roll them through the cìnnamon-sugar mìxture untìl all sìdes are coated. Serve them warm wìth some maple syrup on the sìde.
Recipe Adapted From princesspinkygirl

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