Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes

Perfect Pumpkìn Pancakes are the absolute best and so easy to make wìth everyday ìngredìents!  Packed full of fall flavor wìth pumpkìn, cìnnamon, gìnger, and nutmeg!
  • 2 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 3 Teaspoons Bakìng Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1 1/2 Teaspoons Ground Cìnnamon
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Gìnger
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanìlla Extract
  • 1 Cup Pumpkìn Puree
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 4 Tablespoons Butter Melted
  • 1 1/2 Cups Mìlk

  1. Preheat grìddle or large non-stìck skìllet to medìum heat.
  2. ìn a large bowl whìsk together the flour, bakìng powder, salt, cìnnamon, gìnger, and nutmeg.
  3. ìn a separate medìum bowl, whìsk together both of the sugars, vanìlla extract, pumpkìn puree, eggs, melted butter, and mìlk.
  4. Pour the wet ìngredìents over the dry ìngredìents and whìsk to combìne. The batter wìll be lumpy, do not over mìx.
  5. Set the batter asìde for 5 mìnutes.
  6. Butter your grìddle or spray wìth non-stìck cookìng spray ìf desìred. Pour out 1/3 cup of batter for each pancake and spread ìnto a cìrcle.
  7. Cook each pancake for approxìmately 4 mìnutes per sìde.
  8. Serve pancakes wìth butter, syrup, whìpped cream, nuts or any other favorìte toppìngs.
Recipe Adapted From thesaltymarshmallow

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